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Workington, cumbria, england
ask and u will find out, cant really sum up in one line
Interests: tv, movies, games, reading, star gazing, partying, skating, mountian climbing, do guy count???
Recent Activity
well this morning it was about -0.8 which is actually rather warm haha it usually is a little below that, unfortunatly i live in cumbria which is the wetest and possibly coldest part of the country and flooding usually occurs about this time of year the joys. I am gonna sound really dumb again now but which part of the us is Arkansas based, thank you for the welcome i havent met any brits yet i thought i would have by now
kentucky, never spoken to anyone from their eithr conrats ur the fist :) i wish it was 150 degrees i am just glad i bought some winter boots recently coz england gets very cold and bad very fast
wow go u that sounds awsome would love to do something like that, i am the only one in ma family that seems to be intrested in that type of thing, and virginia impresive i have never spoken to anyone from their before
Ahhhh thanks dash that cleared it up it was the only one i never heard of...suprisingly
1 reply
i so hate justin beiber, and that has got to be one of the stupidest questions i ever heard and thats coming from me with a sister who thinks the scotish city of edinburgh (which we were in at the time) was in london, plus a really daft question wat does the Q stand for in LGBTQ
1 reply
Oooooh wheres the local ghost tour at sounds cool would love to do something like that, god only knows if i will dress up this year for ma night out if i do i think demon robes will be out of the q, where abouts u fromuestion (difficult to walk in and no pockets), decorating for halloween i have never actually thought of doing that for some reason
so how is everyone today on this chilly autumn afternoon halloween is near gonna have a great time, loves to everyone Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
hi and thank u steffigoosie
thanks Dobbyjunior
I Love ur work and glad such a good actor has came out and joined the community keep up the good work :) Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
Djenks is now following Zachary Quinto
Oct 18, 2011
Djenks is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 18, 2011