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Djlowry is now following acejet170
Mar 22, 2011
Can't remember which weblebrity (apparently you're one, btw, according to Janice) said it, but "Instagram: a great way to ruin a fairly poor quality photo."
Notwithstanding, it's a great entry path into the concept of photoblogging and as always signal vs. noise helps refine the interestingness of any particular source.
My goal for 2011: take a picture of something interesting before Weston gets to it!!
Everyone loves Instagram don't they? It's just about one of the best bits of socialmediafun you can have. Bet lots of people have saids lots of stuff about it. Because it's ace. I love it. If my memory serves me well (which it doesn't, often) it was in the John Carpenter direct...
Djlowry is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 22, 2011
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