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Daniel Bernard
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I despise the saying, 'Ignorance is bliss'. How can this be? Ignorance is alienating yourself from knowledge. I am never content unless I know the "truth", or have some kind of understanding. To this point, Plato, is on it.
Now, I know for a fact that I've said things like 'whatever floats your boat' or 'whatever makes you happy', and in making these remarks, I, in no way feel like I'm checking out of a conversation or expressing a lack of care or concern. In certain situations I can't make the judgment call and say that what I feel is right is absolute. So, yes, 'whatever makes you happy'. Additionally, yes, it isn't all about us as individuals. But, what is the truth?
Plato and Realism
Plato is a realist about virtue and the good and the beautiful. This merely means that he thinks that good and bad, justice and injustice, and virtue and vice, are determined by a reality external to the human mind. It means that human excellence is not a product of human creation. We can't mere...
@[email protected], thanks!
Nasty, Brutish, and Short
I mentioned in the lecture that there is a surprising theological lineage to Hobbes' rather grim take on the 'state of nature' of the human being. I say surprising because most of you would probably think that it is strange to countenance humanity in such wretched terms, especially if you are ...
Flight. Why choose invisibility in a world where so few of us are seen?
Flight vs. Invisibility
Ok, so let's hear it. In light of what you read, what would you choose? (Please keep any and all tawdry self-incrimination implicit.)
Ugh! My head is spinning!
I can not say that Hobbes is totally incorrect. I do believe that it is human nature to want more. However, I disagree that our nature to steal, cheat, murder etc. to achieve our goals is normative. Some people just make the choice to live their life that way. I believe it is normative to want to do the right thing, the moral thing. Government, or a common power, is necessary.
Nasty, Brutish, and Short
I mentioned in the lecture that there is a surprising theological lineage to Hobbes' rather grim take on the 'state of nature' of the human being. I say surprising because most of you would probably think that it is strange to countenance humanity in such wretched terms, especially if you are ...
Friedman is Thrasymachus, Glaucon and Hobbes, on steroids. He is completely on target with all three. I do not believe that the ideas of Friedman or the rest of the crew are absolute. There is certainly some truth to what they all say. Friedman says, "the great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus." True, but, they certainly have been made for the greater good, and we all have benefited from these achievements in one way or another. Does that mean we're all greedy?
...individuals purusing their separate interests...[update]
Here's Friedman commenting on the 'apparent' injustice of inequality and the prevalence of greed and self-interest. Notice especially what he says at :40 and following. Given what you've read, do you think that Friedman's comments are right or wrong or need to be qualified or what? Comments welc...
The thought that Kelly was speaking about was meaning. That meaning is something that many of us search for. As Lara mentioned, the Superbowl was just an example of something that can provide meaning. To say football can provide sacredness to me is a bit much. But, I get the point he's trying to make. Let's hear what Prof. Nate has to say.
Sean Kelly on Colbert
I promise to hold my tongue as long as I can. Thoughts? The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Sean Dorrance Kelly Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> Video Archive
334c "Probably one loves those one considers good and useful and hates those one considers bad and harmful. But surely people often make mistakes about this, believing many people to be good and useful when they aren't, and making the opposite mistake about enemies? They do indeed." This stood out to me. I think so many of us make this mistake.
The Republic, Book I: Some Highlights
327c: How can you persuade us if we won't listen? 333e: If justice merely had to do with contracts and the like, then it would be 'useless in the use' of the useful arts, and 'useful in its uselessness'. If so, then justice wouldn't 'be anything that serious.' Socrates is suggesting that justice...
It seems that if we were to ask Thrasymachus what he thought about the idea of religion and philosophy being at war, he would most likely say that they are. Much like everyone who has commented thus far, I agree that Socrates has a better understanding of what justice truly is. However, is what Thrasymachus saying that far off? To the point that Dylan made about North Korea, I would say that globally, society disagrees with the politics of North Korea. The people have been fooled by their leader. Or at least follow the rules for fear of punishment. But look at the rest of the world. There are very few if any other societies like that of North Korea. For the most part, the rest of the world goes along with what their leaders say is the right thing to do. Therefore, it seems society as a whole follows a more Thrasymachus approach. But, I think our leaders all lean to the side of Socrates wherein lies the difference.
Thrasymachus and Socrates: who is on the right track?
Here's a simple question that should generate some comments. Who do you think has a better understanding of justice: Socrates or Thrasymachus? Curious as to what you all think.
I was raised in a non-religious, Jewish family. God was never mentioned in our home. We practiced the philosophy of my mother who was the "God" or "leader" of our household. Are religion and philosophy at war? From what little I know about religion, I'd have to say no. We all have an understanding of what is "right" and "wrong", what is "good" or "bad"; religion and philosophy seem to be on the same page in this regard.
The Euthyphro Dilemma
I briefly mentioned in the lecture for this week a problem that Plato brings up in another dialogue he wrote called The Euthyphro. In this dialogue, Socrates has a conversation with a guy named Euthyphro, who is at the city court house to indict his father for murder. Details aside, Euthyphro de...
Hello all! My name is Daniel Bernard. I was a party planner for ten years and gave it up to finish my college degree. I currently work in marketing for New Balance. I'm a psychology major in my last year here at Fordham and I'm pursuing my second career as a special education teacher. Prior to returning to school I spent much of my free time traveling. I have seen much of the world and I love learning about different cultures and customs. I'm also a major foodie with a strong affinity for Asian food. I am taking this class as my final core requirement and I'm looking forward to exploring this course with you all! Good luck, everyone!
Introduce yourself!
Consider this your first assignment. :) Please introduce yourself to the group! Say a bit about yourself by leaving a comment on the comment thread for this post (under my own comment below). You don't have to give your life story, but please do more than give your name and rank, as it were. Tel...
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