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Dana added a photo at Post the Love
Though we are different now than the people in this picture, we are still the same. Something about you, still has a piece of something in me. All I know is I'm glad you are in my lift, one way or another.
Jun 13, 2010
I finally saw you and didn't feel what I used to feel. It's weird but it's a good feeling. I'm free of the trap you had me in. Someone better will come to find me. Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2010 at Post the Love
I finally saw you and didn't feel what I used to feel. It's weird but it's a good feeling. I'm free of the trap you had me in. Someone better will come to find me. Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2010 at Post the Love
Hey everyone, I need some advice. So I have been crazy about this guy forever. We dated on and off for a while, and he has been my best friend for even longer than that. We broke it off a... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2010 at Post the Love
this is exactly how i feel right now. know what youre dealing with girl
me too, this is wonderful
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
Out of everyone on this entire planet, you are the only one I never ever get sick of. I'm never mad or upset or confused when I'm with you. You make everything better, and you make my world brighter. I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being my best friend and my cousin. I love you x 239483048!
Apr 10, 2010
We all have to date one of these guys eventually. They say all the right things and make us believe everything they say until we fall hard enough for them to break our hearts. When you feel that strongly about someone you open your heart to them, and sometimes if you expose it to the wrong person you can end up feeling like they have wrecked the thing you expected them to hold sacred. Chances are, you probably saw that he wasn't the best for you, even if it was a very small glimpse, but you went for it anyway hoping you could rewrite the story somehow; it's what I did recently and I ended up in your situation. Now when I look at that guy he seems so different than the person i had been making him out to be in my head, and I am so glad that I got out of the relationship. It took time for me to be able to move on from him, but I did, and you will too. The good new is that now you have been with this type of guy and you know what that is like for next time. Truthfully, I have learned that when the people that love you all tell you he is wrong for you, chances are he probably is. They may be seeing something that you are looking past -- love is blind -- so take their advice. I hope you can take this relationship not as a regret, but as something to learn from. He is missing out on a great girl, but you are going to find someone so much better who will treat you with the dignity you deserve. Hang in there, I promise it won't feel like this forever. --Dana
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
People aren't perfect, just perfect for each other. <3
Apr 5, 2010
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
Sometimes the world is just too much and we need to just leave it all behind and take time to laugh. I love every minute I spend with you two, and you always know how to make everything feel good. Can't wait for the summer with you both! it will be another great one.
Apr 5, 2010
this was beautiful, you two sound wonderful together. I think you made this song even better.
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2010 on Lady Antebellum - Need You Now at Post the Love
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
Love my daddy. He is wonderful in so many ways.
Apr 4, 2010
this is the same thing i was going through with a guy not long ago. he had a spell on me even though i wanted to break away. it took time, but eventually i learned to pull myself away and realize i deserved better than someone who didn't want me and was just messing with my feelings. you are a brilliant writer and i always love everything you post, and i really hope this works itself out for you.
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
Heading down to Sea Isle for the first time this year. This place has been my rock growing up, and it really feels like my second home. I'm leaving in a few hours, and I can't wait to be there.
Apr 1, 2010
i love this a lot. i feel like it was read in a movie but i can't pin it down.
Dana added a favorite at Post the Love
Apr 1, 2010
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
I just saw The Last Song tonight and I absolutely loved it. Another great Nicholas Sparks stories. The two characters have great chemistry and are so believable, and the story between father and daughter is just as powerful. I just wish it wasn't so hard to find guys like that.
Mar 31, 2010
I'm ready to find you when you are. I know you're out there. I can feel you around even though we have never met. I miss you already. I'll be right here waiting. Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at Post the Love
ah this just feels like summer to me. lovelovelove it. everything feels stronger in the summer
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
I was cleaning my room up today and I found something that I wrote a little while ago. It doesn't stand as true today, but I guess it will never completely go away. Here it is. It's time to move... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at Post the Love
This is beautiful, and i can really feel the love you have for him. That's such a great story how you started out as best friends. I'm sure he loved this so much, and the music is perfect.
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2010 on patrick3.wmv at Post the Love
aw I can't wait to be in love like this. You guys look great together
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Dana added a favorite at Post the Love
Mar 27, 2010
Dana added a photo at Post the Love
This morning, my brother sent me a text saying, "I love you, have a great school day." He is 24, so I don't see him all the time, and getting those texts from him always makes my day. He has done it a few times before, but it never gets old. i love my brother <3 That is a picture from Prom last year. He came to my pictures :)
Mar 22, 2010
For the most part, I don't believe in regrets. I believe that we make mistakes, that's for sure, but I don't think that, if given the chance, you should ever want to trade in your mistakes. We learn something from... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at Post the Love