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DJ Webb
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I really dont see why so many people come on here fighting & talking shit to eachother about a article! I like Ross music, if he was a C O not going to kill me in any way, he not puttin money in my pocket or better yet no ones pockets on this site. Its entertainment people. How many of these artist actually tell the truth about what they have really done or who they are? Come on son stop being so emotional!
Rick Ross Rides The Maybach Music Bidding War Wave, "We're One Of The Fastest Growing Labels In Hip-Hop" [Video]
Southern rapper Rick Ross has come forward to address the buzz surrounding his Maybach Music Group as it continues to be associated with a bidding war involving Jay-Z's Roc Nation and Baby's Cash Money Records.
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Feb 20, 2011
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Feb 20, 2011
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