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John Doherty
Recent Activity
Parking and Dropoff
Below are illustrations for three parking and drop off options. All indicate a dedicated crosswalk between the Lab School and the Childcare Center. Which option do you prefer? Are there distinct advantages to one over another? via Lab will have a policy of no parking or standing during drop... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 16, 2011 at John Doherty's blog
John Doherty is now following Larry Kearns
Jun 16, 2011
General Requirements
Which physical environment standards beyond NAEYC, DCFS (State of Illinois), and the City of Chicago will you be required to achieve? Are there any other certifications that you are considering? In addition to posted diagrams in the classrooms, are there any special provisions required to assist with fire/tornado/intruder drills? General... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 16, 2011 at John Doherty's blog
John Doherty is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 16, 2011
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