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Life is Hard だけど HAPPY
Interests: SMAP, 嵐
Recent Activity
Ah ... just asked my friend and they are already sold out! Sorry! >
Kokuritsu Pin Badges
I have 3 Kokuritsu pin badges in blue and yellow for sale. Selling at S$12 or US$10, excluding postage. Interested buyers please email my friend at [email protected] for more information.
doki-doki is now following yamakaze
Jan 7, 2011
Kokuritsu Pin Badges
I have 3 Kokuritsu pin badges in blue and yellow for sale. Selling at S$12 or US$10, excluding postage. Interested buyers please email my friend at [email protected] for more information. Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2010 at 絶好調超!
I see that we are objective fans when it comes to Manneuqin 5 XD Even though Ohno is my ichiban, he's usually too sloppy for my liking ... I think could be biased towards Aiba-chan instead XD Ohno's luck is amazing not to have gotten last for all the Mannequin 5 corners so far!
Mannequin 5
hahahahahaha.. The Ojiisan is really pushing it. XDDDDDD... But I cannot believe the results.. My choice even though i'm so biased would have been 1. Oguri- He was so funny and voiced out exactly what I was thinking... ' What the hell are you wearing?!!!!!' Oh man, for a date do you really inte...
Thanks for the report! Miss Arashi! :'(
Back from concert...
*Will continue to edit* Gosh!!! Going to an Arashi concert as usual is a fantastic feeling!!! Just came back from the concert and the tension of the concert still have not left my body yet!!! Yappari they made many many changes to the song set list. I still cannot decide whether I like the flow ...
> キッキマヨ
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
> zekeshocks
Thanks for reading, Maan! I'm embarrassed to even call it a report XD I wonder how the other fans do it!
You're right! It's happiness I can't trade anything for :)
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
Please be! XD It definitely doesn't feel as homely here ... I'm missing Vox too!
And I hope you get more rest soon!
i promise... be more active on Typepad. XD Actually, I have been so busy with work that I only get to surf a little then sleep and get back to work. And while I'm typing this, I'm missing Vox a lot again. Take care everyone and let's enjoy the weekend!
> aiLaMarie
You must have been in Japan the week after me! I had quite a hard time getting my SMAP tickets too ... Tickets are always a headache! ><
Let's not miss Arashi next year! :)
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
> Zai' Dayz'
Didn't help that the yen was really expensive ... >< But it was one great crazy decision made! I'm really glad I went too :)
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
> hauntedcrew
I still can't quite believe it myself too ... XD If there's ever a chance, you must watch them perform in Kokuritsu! :D
Haha trust me I spazzed out and fell sideways towards my friend and we were screaming our heads off XD
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
> nimby
It's really every Arashi fan's dream ... I hope you'll have a chance to watch them live too! :)
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
> karened
Yup! Had only wanted to pop by to take a look at the prices XD
You are talking about the Korean singer/actor right? I remember your entry about his concert ...
I used to think that I can afford to wait since Arashi will hold a concert every year ... Now that I've been to one, I don't think I can bear the thought of missing any next time!
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given up on watching Arashi because the tickets were completely out of my budget ... Despite losing almost all hopes of watching them, I made uchiwas which cost of several hours of sleep ... and only completed them on my first day in Japan, only sleepin...
doki-doki is now following jihunny
Oct 4, 2010
doki-doki is now following Nianna
Oct 2, 2010
doki-doki is now following kaze
Oct 2, 2010
doki-doki is now following Dúnadan
Oct 2, 2010
> karened
LOL it's slightly easier to tell for Jun ne XD That aside, I'd feel like giving him a pat on his back for trying :D
Music Station [2010.10.01] - Dear Snow
I was surprised how LIVE they sounded! And I would say they were flawless! Being a sucker for live raw voices, of course I ripped it! :D For your listening pleasure until the single is released:
> yuui1010
Don't get me wrong, I think it is definitely live ^^ Just pleasantly surprised how LIVE it sounded because I couldn't really tell sometimes from their other performances ...
Actually I don't wish for them to sound exactly like the CD, it's the little imperfections that gets me :)
Music Station [2010.10.01] - Dear Snow
I was surprised how LIVE they sounded! And I would say they were flawless! Being a sucker for live raw voices, of course I ripped it! :D For your listening pleasure until the single is released:
So ... how did it all happen? I had almost given u... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2010 at 絶好調超!
> karened
I have no doubts about it being live! XD I find it hard to tell if they're singing live for most of their performances so I was really surprised how good and LIVE they sounded this time for Dear Snow :)
Music Station [2010.10.01] - Dear Snow
I was surprised how LIVE they sounded! And I would say they were flawless! Being a sucker for live raw voices, of course I ripped it! :D For your listening pleasure until the single is released:
Music Station [2010.10.01] - Dear Snow
I was surprised how LIVE they sounded! And I would say they were flawless! Being a sucker for live raw voices, of course I ripped it! :D For your listening pleasure until the single is released: Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2010 at 絶好調超!
doki-doki is now following Account Deleted
Sep 26, 2010
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