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Dominic Basulto
Dominic Basulto is a digital thinker at Electric Artists in New York and the former Editor of Fortune's Business Innovation Insider. He is working on a manuscript of a new book on innovation called "Endless Innovation, Most Beautiful and Most Wonderful."
Recent Activity
Dave, Doug, Alex: Great points about Nespresso and its business model. The single-serve coffee market is the fastest-growing coffee segment in the U.S. (triple-digit year-over-year growth), so it's not surprising that a lot of major brands are looking for entry points: Will be interesting to see if the new Nespresso boutique stores and massive marketing push will be enough to "tip" Nespresso in the U.S. market
Thanks so much, Meghan, for the update about the "creativity crisis" segment on Charlie Rose. It was fun watching Ashley Merryman discuss her ideas with the other panelists. I've just become a fan of Bloomberg TV on Facebook!
Thanks for the insight and example! "Second mover advantage" may not be as glamorous as "first mover advantage," but there's a lot to be learned from the mistakes of others. In the case of the iPad, it will be interesting to see which companies represent this second wave of entrants. - Dominic
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Mar 15, 2010
Thanks, Ruben. Timescape and Mediascape from Sony Ericsson look like interesting ways to provide greater context for shared social data:
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2010 on The Future of Lifestreaming at Endless Innovation
Thanks - I agree that there's something about LEGO that's still fresh after all these years, even when kids are spending more and more time online rather than offline. - Dominic
Fred, thanks for your comment. Agreed that some of the best ideas often appear "dangerous" at the time that they're introduced. In fact, some of the best brainstorms that I've been a part of have started with provocative assumptions and challenges to the status quo. Will be interesting to see which of the "dangerous ideas" of 2009 gain traction heading into next year.
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2009 on The Return of Dangerous Ideas at Endless Innovation