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"Are Blacks inferior to Whites?"
You'd get a lot of a press with that question.
South Carolina and North Carolina Question Suggestions
Once the debates this week on Thursday and Saturday have passed we'll go into the field with polls in South Carolina and North Carolina on Sunday. Obviously we'll ask all the basic Presidential stuff, and Governor and Senate stuff in North Carolina. What questions/topics should we cover on these...
I'd really like to see, especially among independents, "Any Democrat v Any Republican" and more specifically:
You're favorite Republican candidate v Clinton, v Sanders, v Biden
You're favorite Democratic candidate v Trump, v Bush, v Carson, v Walker, v Cruz
Please just don't poll clinton v every republican candidate her numbers are pretty well known by this point.
National Poll Question Suggestions
We're going to do our monthly national poll this weekend. Obviously our main focus will be on the Presidential race, but what else should we delve into on the poll? We'd love your suggestions on specific questions or general topics to cover. Also with the proliferation of joke candidates filing ...
DonaldMealor is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2015
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