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Rose-Marie is now following Barbara
Nov 12, 2010
Thanks so much for the nice complements! You ladies are very kind. The twin-needle pintucks are quite simple to do, actually, and not even very time consuming. has a picture of the needle (two needles that fit into a single shaft; the only requirement of your sewing machine is that it has the ability to zig-zag and have a zig-zag throat plate). You only need to draw out the first tuck with a water soluable marker and then use the edge of your presser foot or a groove in a pintuck foot to guide the rest. I drew out a 45* angle to mark the end of my tucks; you can see how the fabric pulled it into a steeper angle than that. I threaded the loosed ends to the wrong side of the fabric and tied them off with a simple knot. After I had tucked the fabric I laid out my pattern fronts and cut out the pieces. If you haven't tried making pintucks this way before, consider giving it a try. It's fun and looks harder than it really is. ;0) Rose-Marie To: [email protected]
1 reply
Twenty years, a career shift and more-pounds-than-I-care-to-admit later, this chambray shirtdress sat lonely at the back of my closet. Even if I did manage to lose enough weight to fit that little waist, the style isn’t professional enough for delivering... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at Wardrobe ReFashion
Several years ago I bought some oversized sweatshirts for 3/$10 at the local outlet mall. All along, I’ve had in mind to transform the fabric into something wearable. They’ve been sitting around taking up space until Wardrobe Refashion motivated me... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2010 at Wardrobe ReFashion
I am excited to be joining the creative minds at Wardrobe Refashion! Thanks for this opportunity to turn inspiration into a useable wardrobe. I've signed on to the 2-month committment in hopes of weeding out the threadbare clothes that have... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2010 at Wardrobe ReFashion
Rose-Marie is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 1, 2010