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Daytona Beach, FL
Singer, Pianist, Conductor, Teacher
Interests: Vocal technique, tennis, baseball
Recent Activity
Thank you so much for this blog! I whole-heartedly agree with the great need for reform with respect to training singers with a more complete knowledge of vocal technique in our conservatories and music schools.
I am private voice and piano teacher working out of a studio in central Florida. I teach some young singers as well as retired folk. I've been most interested in two aspects of technique lately: 1. Inhalare la voce; and 2. Appoggio points in the bucco-pharyngeal region (appoggio at the teeth, palatal appoggio, appoggio at the nape of the neck). Have you discussed these subjects in a post or column, or have you had any interest in them? I'm interested in the potential role they play in regulating subglottic air pressure.
Reverse Engineering: The Master Singer’s Technique
As I have related, I was accepted into a performance MM program with a substantial scholarship on the basis of demonstrated potential, having previously had little formal instruction. Throughout my time in graduate school, the opera department cast me in leading roles and I earned excellent gr...
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Sep 3, 2016
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