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My Universe!!
Recent Activity
Expect the worst and you get it???
I wish I knew the order of the universe. I mean, do I expect the worst and get it??? I think and act with positivity but the cloud that seems to follow me around just won't let me be happy. In the last 2 years I lost my mom, her illness took any money I had saved, my husband became a computer addict with his internet "business", now is a gaming addict with Evony, he hasn't had any income for 18 months, collects unemployment as if that's his income, and sits in front of the computer 10-14 hours a day.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2010 at Put It Out In The Universe
Put It Out In The Universe? What does that mean??
I've heard it all...if you want to change your life...visualize, imagine...keep those positive thoughts...bad things happen to good people...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...what does all that mean? Recently I heard someone say that he was bored with his life..wanted something else, something better so he "just put it out there in the universe" and he came in second on American Idol...soooo...I want to know what that means. I've tried putting it out there...positive thoughts,happy thoughts...I've tried NOT feeling sorry for myself, try to mentor, by the way, very hard to inspire others when you feel so lost,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at Put It Out In The Universe
The only thing I know for sure right now is that I...
The only thing I know for sure right now is that I want my life to change. Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Put It Out In The Universe
My Universe!! is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 19, 2010
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