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Donna Joy
Recent Activity
great idea/use for the papers! love what you did!
StencilGirl Squared-Off Blog Hop: Little Works of Art in Origami Frames for Your Art Journal
Welcome to the StencilGirl®️ Creative Team’s Squared-Off Swap Hop. I hope your ready to be inspired. The Team has been busy swapping paper squares stenciled with StencilGirl®️designs, waving our wands, and creating magic to show you. Be sure to check out all of the linked posts to see how ou...
what a clever use of your papers!
The Spectacular StencilGirl® Squared Off Swap Hop - Big Hair
Hello Beautiful and welcome! You have arrived at the StencilGirl® Creative Team’s Spectacular Squared-Off Swap Hop. My piece of art work incorporates beautiful design papers created by some of my StencilGirl® creative sisters: Tina, Claudia, Katie, and Sunila&Aditi! Before sharing the tuto...
Donna Joy is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 5, 2015
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