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Donna Nelson
Recent Activity
Well Jan, I will be praying for you and checking in on your progress. I hope that you do document this, both the good and the bad!
Wow Jan! That was a great story and what great pictures!! My granddaughter got a Ladybug Farm to try out. We will send away for the ladybugs and watch them go through a type of metamorphosis. Very cool!
Jan....that was so AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing that post from your friend. I commented to her also and will follow her as I do you. Those words are exactly how I feel as well! Just lovely!
I love this new post that you are participating in Jan. That meal looks delicious! My sweet husband loves scallops. I'm assuming that is brussel sprouts and brown or wild rice, correct? I might join the Simples Things on Sunday. I really like it!
Looks like you had a GREAT time Jan! Great pictures. We have been to a White Pines State Park in Illinois and they look very much alike. That's pretty funny! By the way, I have been loving your new blog. Are you happy with TypePad? I have been contemplating changing from blogger to typepad. Have fun on your anniversary weekend! We will be having our own fun on the beautiful island of Maui!
Donna Nelson is now following dog
Jun 8, 2010
Beautiful pictures Jan! Especially the turkeys (I showed that one to my husband).
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2010 on Rising Early and Snow Walks at My Simple Little Life
Donna Nelson is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2010