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Donna Nelson
Recent Activity
Well Jan, I will be praying for you and checking in on your progress. I hope that you do document this, both the good and the bad!
Hip Replacement: T-minus 7 days
I've decided I'm going to blog about this experience. (Well, heck, I'm going to be off at least one foot for 6-8 weeks, so there's not going to be much else to do!) Maybe other people who are either going through it or have gone through it will be able to relate, maybe my family/friends want to ...
Wow Jan! That was a great story and what great pictures!! My granddaughter got a Ladybug Farm to try out. We will send away for the ladybugs and watch them go through a type of metamorphosis. Very cool!
The Simple Things Sunday - 8-14-11
And the story is...on July 22nd, we found a very cool looking caterpillar clinging to (and eating up) my dill plant. (See photo below...) Of course, we saw this as an awesome learning opportunity, so we gently put the caterpillar - on the dill plant still - into a jar (above) so we could o...
Jan....that was so AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing that post from your friend. I commented to her also and will follow her as I do you. Those words are exactly how I feel as well! Just lovely!
Grandmother's love and other stuff
Okay, first the "other" stuff. Check out this, this.....THING! Is it alien-like, or what? It's growing off of a cactus plant (you can see the loooooong stem) and it's just wierd. Cool, but wierd! I've never seen anything like it. vewy, vewy intewesting.... I actually had an easy week with lots...
I love this new post that you are participating in Jan. That meal looks delicious! My sweet husband loves scallops. I'm assuming that is brussel sprouts and brown or wild rice, correct? I might join the Simples Things on Sunday. I really like it!
The Simple Things Sunday | MPC Project 52
This is a dinner I made this week - part of our "clean eating" effort. It was SO yummy! P.S. This is also my photo for MPC Project 52 this week (7/52). The prompt was "open your heart". And I am definitely opening my heart to eating healthy. It's a process. I have my days that I just want...
Looks like you had a GREAT time Jan! Great pictures. We have been to a White Pines State Park in Illinois and they look very much alike. That's pretty funny! By the way, I have been loving your new blog. Are you happy with TypePad? I have been contemplating changing from blogger to typepad. Have fun on your anniversary weekend! We will be having our own fun on the beautiful island of Maui!
Camping at Little Pine State Park
We took our "new" (new to us) camper out for its maiden voyage this past weekend. We headed about an hour north of our central PA home to Little Pine State Park. Chris and I have been there camping (borrowing his folks camper) with our boys many times. It is simply gorgeous there. (Unfortunately...
Donna Nelson is now following dog
Jun 8, 2010
Beautiful pictures Jan! Especially the turkeys (I showed that one to my husband).
Rising Early and Snow Walks
Okay, so I was up at 6:30 today. And that is my end goal for January/February. But, unfortunately, it's a fluke. I haven't been doing so well with rising early. I have been doing well with getting up to bed by 10:30. The part that's not going so well is the actual going to sleep at a decent hour...
Donna Nelson is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2010
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