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Huntington WV
A Crazy Woman Dying To Be A Crafty Diva
Interests: love scrapbooking, and sharing my home with friends and my silly furry family, spending time with my children and grandchildren, living a wonderful, romantic life with my husband
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Donna is now following Donna Salazar
Nov 16, 2012
Sweet and versatile little creation - Thank you for sharing.
1 reply
Wow! This is amazing!
Loving your style and your fab papers!!
Gorgeous! I love the doilies
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2012 on A CAS thank you card at Inspired by Stamping
This is so cute! Have had some crafty fun with this adorable line myself.
Such a lovely place! Joined over at Flikr. TFS
Great organizational tips, thank you for sharing.
OK, call me a killjoy, but I was totally unimpressed by Washi tape UNTIL I saw this post. Now, I am really wanting some more, and can't wait to go play with what I have. I love the projects you shared. The keyboard is cool, but I think someone probably had too much time on their hands...LOL
Great designs. Love the Explore decor Liz.
Super cute, and yummy to boot!
Adorable LO, love the way you added the fabric.
Hi Lyn. Donna-Fiskateer #6036 here, from Wesy "By God" Virginia, USA. Tracy M. sent me. I have been meaning to come forever. Have the site on my favorites now.
1 reply
That flower is wonderful! Looking for patterns at my thrift store.
Toggle Commented Jul 18, 2012 on WHW featuring Deb Hickman at Inspired by Stamping
This is an amazing LO. I love the way she did the butterfly cutouts and the stitching.
What a fabulous idea, I am wondering how to do a screen capture though...
1 reply
These are lovely!! I love that bunny!!
Beautiful!! And what a sweet little model! Being a bunny lover, the card captured my heart.
This is Fun and Fabulous!!
I LOVE what you have done with this line. The stitching is great. Photos are too.
Beautiful layouts with beautiful paper.
Congratulations Ladies. All the entries are fabulous, but I am totally smitten over Kelly Jo's entry. Paradise is probably my favorite of LYB's lines so far. I have had so much fun with it. Keep up the good work!
Toggle Commented May 16, 2012 on NSD Challenge Winners! at Little Yellow Bicycle
What a swimmingly beautiful card! Love all the layers an beautiful fish. Your nephew will love it! My favorite flower is the daisy, simple and summery.
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2012 on ***Fiskateer Spring Blog Hop*** at Fiskars Craft
1 reply