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I love it! I love the dies, the stamps - all of it! I would share the pocketful of love with my friend Dottie. :)
Ooooo! Fabulous prizes! I love the shaker cards and the Fuse is new to me - looks cool! I'd share the pocketful of love with one of my card making club friends. :)
Awesome prizes!! I would share one of the Janome sewing machines and the pocketful of love with my mom. Merry Christmas SCT!
All these prizes look amazing!! I already love Bo Bunny and the Chameleon pens look perfect for card making! I would share the pocketful of love with my friend Debbie.
I love Lawn Fawn!! What a great prize! I would share the Pocketful of love with my mom. :)
This prize looks so cool! I've never tried foils, so that would be new to me. I love the stamps and the sizzix products - everything looks amazing! I would share the #pocketfuloflove with my niece. :)
What an amazing prize! I would love to win. Whoever wins this is going to be one very lucky duck! :) Merry Christmas SCT!
Cool stamp set and accessories! I would love to win it!
Doodlesnap is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 7, 2015