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doorways traveler
Recent Activity
i am speechless, honey. your voice, your presence soothe me. i feel grounded after wathcing this. open. ok. trusting. thank you. xx
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2010 on Calling her down at shapeshifting
1 reply
looking forward so sitting with you and doing some of that thinking BIG stuff together. xx
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2010 on July 2010 .:. Biz Goals at Athena Dreams Design
1 reply
the only thing that would have made this even better would have been if i could have been right there getting it in person. dude, you are so f-ing amazing. LOVE.
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your hands write words that so many wish they could voice. and you understand the complexity of your moment better than anyone, brilliantly and with compassion for both yourself and for your family. i hear you. and i've got deep oceans of love for you. xxxx
Toggle Commented Jun 22, 2010 on Deep waters at shapeshifting
1 reply
i am loving you as deep and true as a love can love. i feel emancipated by your words. free. and i want only the same for you. nothing less but pure, self-loving, fully-expressed freedom. i am here for you.
1 reply
oh liz, i just love these! beautiful. i want one!
Toggle Commented Jun 8, 2010 on A Trio Of Crowns at Athena Dreams Design
1 reply
"mostly it's mine and it's wonderful" you slay me, woman. brilliantly, blessedly, beautiful.
Toggle Commented May 25, 2010 on Bespoke, bewitched and beloved at shapeshifting
1 reply
oh my. i just fell even harder for you. shit. in other peoples heads much? awesome. totally awesome.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2010 on Perspective somewhat less skewed at shapeshifting
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doorways traveler is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
well this is certainly something i want to follow. please spare no detail, honey, as voyeurs and fellow chocolate consumers want to know! you rock. xx
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2010 on It's not been the same since Kraft at shapeshifting
1 reply
awesome post, jo. i would love you even on tambourine tuesday, but even more so because i never know what will come next. and damn if we aren't all holding the same books in our hands at the moment, eh? shapeshifting suits you. that's your medium. xx
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2010 on Ready at shapeshifting
1 reply
oh, there is nothing like a fresh egg. we had chickens for a while and i remember each and every day listening to one of the hens lay. she was quite vocal, really needing to share the process with us; and her eggs were the beautiful bluish green ones that i loved the best. xx
Toggle Commented Feb 28, 2010 on Thank you Idgie! at shapeshifting
1 reply
how life is our common language. that pretty much sums it up. genious you.
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2010 on Shapeshifter at shapeshifting
1 reply
me, too. me, too! they are beautiful, jo. and i love the naming and giving face to the critic. brilliant. you rock my world.
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2010 on The Norman Conquest at shapeshifting
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i know, right? he's freaky accurate with me, too.
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2010 on Not so much bull at shapeshifting
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right there with you. eliminating the things that i know make me feel bad, adding the things that i know make me feel good. but not calling it anything more than what it is: intention. not a cleanse. not a makeover. not a thing that will ultimately become a timed wagon ride that i can fall off of. and, yes, move somewhere warm. like california. near me. my daughter is an excellent babysitter ;) xx
Toggle Commented Feb 12, 2010 on Shifting some shape at shapeshifting
1 reply
there is always more to say, but i, for one, am happy to hear you say anything. thanks for keeping it real, once again. wishes for sleep and springtime. xx
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2010 on Still here at shapeshifting
1 reply
love you, too. xxoo
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2010 on First retreat, then leap forward at shapeshifting
1 reply
it takes another who gets it to be gotten, no? honored to be linked. much love. lisa
Toggle Commented Dec 16, 2009 on Brighter at shapeshifting
1 reply
that is some serious truth you speak, woman. thank you thank you. abundance is also my 2010 word. i don't think, in the past, that i truly understood what it was i would be asking for if i chose abundance. now i do. i am asking for the means to manifest passion's yearnings and to care for my family and each other. that's all. and i am worthy. well done.
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2009 on The Prosperity Part at Pink Coyote
1 reply
yes. to willingness. to strength. to worthy dreams. right there with you. much love, lisa
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the black crow against the blue sky. wow. communication. creativity. magical alchemy. double wow. stunning work. much love, lisa
Toggle Commented Nov 11, 2009 on Birds Giveaway at Pink Coyote
1 reply
thank you for showing up... so much love, lisa On Sep 17, 2009, at 3:20 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2009 on another layer. at doorwaystraveler
thanks so much jenica...look forward to meeting you in the foyer...xx sent via iPhone On Sep 15, 2009, at 3:08 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2009 on take-off. at doorwaystraveler
hmmmm. Just commented, but not sure if it posted. Will repeat: I am inspired and grateful for your transparency. Beauty and connection come from freedom and truth...being real...and these things are not always easy. Much Love, Lisa
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