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Natalie Soud
New York, NY
design, domestic pursuits, and a dash of style
Recent Activity
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Jan 24, 2014
Friday Wishful Thinking: Norway
Wintry weather's got me imagining travel to cooler climes. Fjords, glaciers, the Northern Lights, the sun at midnight - I've never seen any of these wonders, and I sure wanna go to Norway so I can. It's seemed like a magical nature wonderland since I first read Roald Dahl's Boy... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Calligraphy Practice: Inspired by The Man in Black
I've taken a few calligraphy lessons and been practicing my Copperplate plenty, filling up pages with the same letter over & over again. But when I'm done with practicing fancy, traditional letters, I like to reward myself with a fun, unstructured practice doodle. It's the same feeling I used to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Sneak Peek: Oh Joy for Nod
At the end of last week, I got the chance to preview some fun stuff that Joy Cho of Oh Joy! created for The Land of Nod. I really enjoy The Land of Nod - as they describe it, it's design for kids and people that used to be kids.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Recipe: Smothered Cauliflower with Eggs
This one's adapted from the August issue of Food & Wine, which was just chock full of vegetarian recipes. Food blogger Heidi Swanson came up with this one - if you haven't visited her blog 101 Cookbooks, do so immediately! The photography is really mouth-watering. I made just a few... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
I'm so glad you guys are continuing to find this useful!
DIY: From Jar Candle to Pretty Vase
The other evening, I spent some time at my very close friend Joanna's lovely apartment, and not long after arriving admired a beautiful Jonathan Adler candle she'd been given. We both agreed that the porcelain container was so pretty she should try to save it and put it to some other use. She as...
Friday Wishful Thinking: Gone Campin'
Labor Day Weekend is here, and it sure would be nice to spend it in these places, doing these things. More on Pinterest. Enjoy the holiday! Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Recipe: Ancient Grain Oatmeal with Sauteed Peaches & Plums
As much as I enjoy summer and am sad to see it go, I'm starting to get just a leeeeeetle bit excited about fall. More change is afoot for me, and it's all good things as far as the eye can see. I'll be able to officially call myself a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Friday Wishful Thinking: Outdoor Rooms
Aw, man. The end of summer is definitely palpable. I've been thinking about squeezing every last bit of outdoor time out of the days of lovely warm weather we've got before fall arrives. I've always been attracted to the idea of outdoor rooms, particularly outdoor bedrooms and sleeping porches. I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
It's Wild Salmon Season: A Recipe from a Motorcycle-Riding French Poissonier
Didier is a professionally trained chef from Nice, France turned motorcycle-riding poisonnier in my hometown of Jacksonville. He's known to have the best catch in town, though you wouldn't know it by looking at his shop's humble exterior - isn't that always the way? Lately, when I've visited home, my... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Puffin Chalk: Gorgeous Book Covers by Dana Tanamachi
I very much enjoy the days I get to freelance at Regas Studio. The ladies who make up this letterpress studio are supa dupa talented; we've got watercolor painters, skilled illustrators, calligraphers, graphic name it, everyone who works at Regas brings their own brand of creative to the table.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
DIY Thread-Wrapped Air Plant Hangers
I have to 'fess up: this DIY was totally inspired by my '90s childhood. Like most girls, I was pretty into friendship bracelets and hair wraps. Frankly, I'm still pretty into friendship bracelets, although I draw the line at hair wraps. And overalls. So far. I've wanted to add some... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
That definitely seems like a possible solution! In that case, I would recommend carefully gluing down the edges of the fabric as close to the edge of the shade as possible to prevent the edges from curling over time.
A Dose of DIY: Roller Shade Upgrade (No Sew!)
Alas, custom window coverings seem to be one of those things which are never very cheap. I've had the same tired single panel curtains held up by tension rods for several years now, and with my change in bedroom paint color (photos soon!), it was about time to give the old curtains the heave-ho...
From Sad Sack to Rad Backpack: Breathing New Life into My Baggu
It's no secret: Baggus are my jam. I try to keep one of their nylon bags on me at all times so I never, ever need to use a disposable plastic or paper one. When the drawstring on my favorite Baggu backpack broke, it was a bummer. But it also... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Hi Grace! You can buy new ones on the Dr Scholls website :)'s/Sandals/_/Products.aspx
Presently Pining For: Dr. Scholl's Original Wood Exercise Sandal
My adorable and ever-fashionable colleague Lori has been obsessing over these old school Dr. Scholls sandals for a few weeks now, and she's given me the bug! During my middle school days in the late 90s, these experienced quite a resurgence (along with many other 70s staples), but I never had a ...
Summer Treat: A Healthier Eton Mess
Whaaaaaa, you say? I'll explain. First, a little backstory: one of my favorite desserts in NYC is the Blackberry Eton Mess Fool at Peels. I've had a few birthday dinners there; the food is always tasty, the atmosphere lively but not raucous, and the cocktails are delicious. Dessert is always... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
A Pretty Perfect Day Upstate: The Country Living Fair
Above, a vintage Airstream turned vintage ephemera shop When the lovely folks at Country Living invited me to join them for a special peek into their Rhinebeck fair, I couldn't think of a better way to kick off my birthday weekend. I rose at an uncharacteristically early hour (Um. It's... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Thanks, Molls!
I'm 29! 29 Things I've Learned & Observed So Far
Awhile ago, I wrote about the lessons this year has taught me. As I entered my 30th year of life on Sunday, June 9th, it felt right to think about and share some of the stuff I’ve learned in life so far, in no particular order. These are probs nothing groundbreaking to most people. Many are...
I'm 29! 29 Things I've Learned & Observed So Far
Awhile ago, I wrote about the lessons this year has taught me. As I entered my 30th year of life on Sunday, June 9th, it felt right to think about and share some of the stuff I’ve learned in life so far, in no particular order. These are probs nothing... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Touring the HGTV/ADT Smart Home
I admit it: every year, I enter to win the HGTV Dream Home. They’re always located in an interesting place, executed with thoughtful & locally-inspired design, and full of unique details. This year, there's also a Smart Home! A few weeks ago, I was really excited to be invited to... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Mexicana Mama: Inspiration from South of the Border
I've always been a fan of West Elm, but I especially love the way they've made a point of working with independent artists and artisans lately. Whether this comes from a genuine love for craft, is a play to make a giant company feel more friendly, or a little of... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Color with Confidence: A DIY Challenge with Pantone, Valspar & Lowe's
This past weekend, I got to do something CRAZY fun. But first, a little back story. Ever since I started getting to do a little design work in my job several years ago, I've been pretty obsessed with Pantone. You might remember the roundup I did when they announced the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
How to Work Better (Otherwise Entitled How to Be Happy)
Have you guys heard of Kollabora? If not, hop over there before you even read another word. Created by Nora Abousteit, the woman responsible for the success of, Kollabora is a social platform that empowers you to make original projects and inspires you to bring your own creative DIY... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Happy Earth Day! 5 Small, Everyday Ways to Make an Impact
Watering (A Life Into Itself) print by Budi Satria Kwan, available on Society6 If you’ve been visiting here long, you probably know that our family is preeeeeeetty big on Lord of the Rings. So, fair warning – nerd references abound in this post! “What can men do against such reckless... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
Smoothest Gams EVER, the Natural + Non-Toxic Way
That’s my grandmother above, enjoying a nice day on the porch in her playsuit. Isn’t she a knockout? Now that warm days are here again (both in NYC and in my hometown of Jacksonville, Florida, from where I'm happily posting this), I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2013 at A Dose of the Delightful
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