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Our sweet and sour Kelly, just the way we like it. You're gonna looovvvee Tampa, it's kinda sour. Love , Uncle Daves
I can't wait to see you again. Your blog has been like having you near by. I hope you will continue with it. Glad you got your waterbuffalo ride in with pictures to proove it. It's a wonderful life, there's so much more to come. Love, Uncle Daves
Toggle Commented May 15, 2011 on Roller Coaster at KellyFitz's blog
Hellol delightful Kelly, I would write more but, i become frustrated when i lose everything i write and so i give up. Glad to here you are enjoying the heat. Its gotten hot here in Tampa already. Its' been the warmest winter spring in recent memory. I can't promise the same when you are here. It would be winter after all. I may be repeating myself but, there are a lot of vegitarian choices in Tampa. I think you'll enjoy finding all the places to get sustinance. And Ezell and I look forward to giding you to a few places. And talk Disney, the main gate to Disney World is an hour and ten minutes away from U. T. By the way, CONGRADULATIONS on you merit scholarship. Another of the many reasons to be proud of you. As if we needed another. You living on the other side of the world and all. Even you will be astonished when you look back on your youthful adventures... When exactly are you coming to Tampa? Are you going to London first? I hope you are well and having one of the times of your life. It looks as if youre on track to have a marvelous life. LOVE , uncle Daves
People and relationships are the most important things in life. Being with your host family is a very good investment in your time. You'll see, in life relationships are the most valuable things you can have. In business and in your personal life. And It's easier to learn how to develope and build relationships when your are young. This is an EXCELLENT skill. Love, uncle Daves
Sounds like youre having a great time young lady. I'm so glad to hear that you are being so helpful, it is always appreciated. I know its true, it sounds like when you stayed with Ezell and I a couple of summers ago. We recycle and wash dishes with low water pressure because of what you taught us. I'm delighted to think your Thia host are seeing how good Americans can be on a day to day basis. Just your blog is a real help. I'm understanding a new culture through your blog. Keep up the good work niecey...
Me too Kelly!!!!
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2011 on Things I'm Working On Learning at KellyFitz's blog
Hi Kelly, always nice reading your post, its like having you here in the room. Thought you should know that spring has sprung in Florida, quite early in fact. It's been beautiful for weeks , in the 60s and 70s. It's the last week in Febuary and it's now in the 80s. Hard to believe its still winter elsewhere. Your dad was here for Gasparilla in January, the temps were it the 70s. We had lunch at the Columbia resteraunt on the channel near our house (and UT) the Sunday he left. It was sad to see him go, especially knowing he was going home to "snowmaggedone" as you put it. Of course we had a wonderful time while he was here, dressing like pirates and all. Big laughs! We're looking forward to you being our guest of honor next Gasparilla. I'm hoping it/you will tame things doun around here, whatever that means. Your dad walked to the school and was enthused for you. Im ever on the lookout for vegatarian food supplies for you. And we are recycling and using lower water pressures in training for your stay in our fair city. I hope you'll like Tampa as much as you like Thiland. Maybe we'll even get your mom down here for a visit. I'm looking forward to your next post and hope you are having a wonderful time. Stay on track and skip the water buffalo ride. Love uncle Daves
Kelly, it sure sounds like you are getting everything out of your travels that you had hoped. How will Tampa ever compare? I'll tell you right now, I don't like my food to spicy, you'll have to have seperate utencils here in Tampa. Your dad was just here, we had a great time. He walked to UT and seemed impressed by the whole situation. He even made it to La France. He also forwarded your letter to the school, which I had to agree was a "reading pleasure." You'll be glad to know that the weather here has been quite beautiful this winter, with only a handful of below normal tempatures. Your Dad was saying he was getting attacted to Mr Fuzzywuncles and could he keep him/it when you made you way to Florida. I was sure you would be ok with that. You know that soft hearted dad of yours. Keep up the good work, you're really shaping up to have an excellent life. We love you so. The Daves
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2011 on Back from Satun! at KellyFitz's blog
Hi Kelly, Happy New Year! Sorry I missed sending you a Christmas day wish, my computer crashed just before the big day and I was off to Atlanta with Ezell to celabrate with his family. We had a white Christmas. It was the first time Atlanta had snow on Christmas since 1889, and it was quite lovely. Sounds like you're having an excellent time and learning a ton in Thialand. Love that you have this blog, you should stay with it when you come back to the states. Its like having you here with us. And you're so far away. You write well and its a pleasure to read your accounts of day to day life in Thialand. And its nice to have a way to communicate with you. You were concerned about being happy when you return to the states. I used to worry about the exact same thing, I was a happy kid. I'll tell you, you will always be happy(with occational exceptions). Happiness comes from inside and your happines is coming from inside you. Your decissions and choices. You live a life full of appreciation and that in itself will assure you of happiness. Life is so good and you allow yourself to see it in its glory. Be a great person and you'll have a great life, its that simple. You are on your way.You are Great! Whats the festival you speak of at the end of your visit? Hope you make it there, I'm sure you will. You seem to get just what you want. Pay attention to that. Don't get broken hearted if you don't get to ride a water Buffalo. The universe has a strange way of taking care of us and you just may be avoiding injury or something . I'm not particularly paranoid but, I don't remember seeing pictures of people riding Buffalo.I lke to say "don't force the universe" It's so nice to hear what a great experience you're having, keep up the good work and take care of yourself. Looking forward to our next post. Love uncle Daves
Toggle Commented Jan 13, 2011 on Merry Christmas to All! at KellyFitz's blog
PS my delightful niece, Have you visited yet?
Kelly, love your blog. I'm sorry I don't read it more often, its like having you in the room. Your Thia experience sounds like its going spendidly. The visit to Bankok sounds like a dream come true. I've always wanted to go there myself. So you have much to be thankful for and I know you know. Your mom sending you candy on your birthday reminds me of when you and Bryan would send me some of your trick or treat candy for my birthday,that was always one of my favorite things. Christmas should be nice for you, as I may have mentioned, we make our oun traditions and they change from year to year. Enjoy the moment. It's not unusuall to feed a little nastalgic at this time of year, don't let it get you doun. Think about all the people that love you and all the people you love. I'm very proud to hear you are writing and speaking Thia. That is a big accomplishment. Thia has a very difficult reputation. We've been on the look out for vegan resteraunts in Tampa and there are more than a few places here. As well as lots of vegan food at our local markets. You'll be in good order here. Our weather has been lovely, some cool days but, generally Beautiful. Nothing like in Chicago at this time. David Ezell and I have a tradition of visiting his family in Atlanta at Christmas and so we'll be off for there soon. I've begun a new painting, a garden scape as usuall. Cant wait to talk to you again soon, love Uncle Dave, Fla
Toggle Commented Dec 20, 2010 on Happy Thanksgiving! at KellyFitz's blog
I talked to the owner of La France and told her about you. Shes looking forward to talking to you. She usually needs help on the weekends. Keep up the good work. We miss you and can't wait to see you again. Love uncle Daves
Hi Kelly, love to see what you've been up to. The side saddle thing will definately not work here. Glad you're using a helmet. A brain is a terrible thing to waiste. Always use closed toe shoes as well and don't try to use your feet to assist your driving. Long pants are recomended as well, Scars are uglyier and they last longer. Uncle Scott and aunt Tara came with Ezell and I to the BIG party, they may never be the same. Remember to ask them about it the next time you talk. Start growing your oun Pineapples right now, just put the green top in sunny place in the garden and you're on the way to a new pineapple.
PPSS. uncle Daves other Favorite niece...
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2010 on My Shiny New Things at KellyFitz's blog
Hi Kelly, Got your nice letter today, filled with so much fun stuff about you. I' m glad you're settling in with your new host family. I'm sure having a working knowledge of the laungage is very handy. You asked about pineapples. I've grown them for years, and very sweet ones to boot. They are Bromiliads and grow out of the green thing on top. Thats how they reproduce. Just cut the top off and put it on the ground with full light and in two years you have a brand new sweet pine apple. David and I are very excited for you to come here as I've mentioned. I'll put a word in over at La France, I agree it would be a fun job for you and you'll be good at it. We'll talk again soon, Big Smooch, Uncle Daves. PS. Ezells nieces name is Chelsea.
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2010 on My Shiny New Things at KellyFitz's blog
Dpfitz9 is now following KellyFitz
Oct 18, 2010
Hello world traveler. Nice to here from Thiland. Your adventures get more tangled. Please play it safe where ever you are. Trust your sixth sence about things. You're so far away, it would be hard to help you in case you needed it( which you won't). I'm so glad to here you're still focused on U.T. I can hardly wait to have you as a nieghbor. The weathers been great around here, fall like for florida. We dont get a change of color till January but it is cooling off a bit, into the low to mid 80s. Haven't looked for any fruit trees for yet, I'm sure we can grow them in my yard, just don't know if they'll produce fruit in time for your stay in Tampa. They're building a high speed rail system between Orlando and Tampa just for you, it should be done in 2015. Were voting on a 1 cent tax to build a conector light rail system and improved bus system to make the area more user friendly. Hope it passes. I think about you often and trust you are well. Hope the moving around goes well for you. Human ineraction is so complicated. Don't take things personally. I am of the belief that there is a lot of "crazyness" out there. And in fact that most people are a bit crazy. If people are hard to get along with or appear to not want you around, don't force it, You may be getting off cheap. I would rather be miserable on my oun than have someone else make me miserable. I'll remind you you are a very unique individual and the people you will get along with and love to be with are as rare as you and are few and far between. Be patient, you'll meet them sooner that you think. Don't get mixed up with people that don't make you happy. Which of couse brings me right back to you coming to Tampa. There are all sorts of rare types here in Tampa just waiting for your arrival. Keep up the good work, we love you. Uncle Daves
Toggle Commented Oct 18, 2010 on Change in the Wind at KellyFitz's blog
Kelly, I always have a problem. signing in( can never seem to remember my pass word).Small town living is not the life for me... as the song goes. To bad we don't have a way to store up peace and quiet. I love them both, but not to much at a time. You could then later dip into your supply when you need a little rest. It sounds idealic from here (where you're at). I hope you are not bored. Do you draw? That can really pass the time(Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is a great book to teach drawing). You'll have a greater appreciation of how much there is to do when you return. Just don't get to much into drugs, you'll never be able to pull out of it''s gravitational pull. And the people can be the worst possible. I know from experience. Tampa awaits you, we have begun to recycle more ad use as low a water pressure as we can stand. I have my eye out for Mangostein fruit trees for you. Any other trees you want me to plant in my yard? Ezell is in Atlanta now and will be off for France at the end of the month. Your uncle Scott and aunt Tara are coming for a visit before he goes. We're going to the big Halloween party together. That will be an eye opener for them. 2400 gay people in costume, they'll never be the same. You'll have to come with us when you're here. You'll love it. A thousand laughs. Drink in the details of your life and write them doun for youself and your fans. We love you. Uncle Dave Fla
Toggle Commented Oct 8, 2010 on On Small Town Living at KellyFitz's blog
Im lovin your blog my darling favorite niece. Of couse the lady boy story touches home, I've known so many. I once knew a couple who had each had a sex reassignment, they even showed me thier scars,YucK! They were quite the pair, Bonny and Clide types. Remind me for the details on that phase of my life. I do hope you are well, I speak of you often. Found an organic raw resteraunt for you here in beautiful Tampa. Shes waiting for you. I must go, looking forward to more details of Kellys Exotic Life. Love , Uncle Daves
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2010 on Export Successful! at KellyFitz's blog
There are so many things I want to hear about and talk to you about it boggles my mind. It's going to have to suffice that I think about you everyday and love you. Live every day to the fullest ( sounds like you are) Let your travels fill you with light and stay out of harms way xxxooo Uncle Dave Fla
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2010 on Export Successful! at KellyFitz's blog
My delightful Kelly, I'm so glad to have caught up with you. Your adventures sound wonderful. I'm not sure if you got my last letter to your former blog. It went on about how much we love and miss you bla bla bla. And how proud we are and how we can't wait for you to be in Tampa. I ponder your expieriences in Thiland and marvel at how it will effect you in your life in the future. I hope you are making friends, I'm sure you are. You're a rare human being and because of that " rareness" you will have rare and wonderful friends. The dounside to that is very special people are few and far between. It can be a little lonely if you haven't met them yet. Its better being alone than with people who can not be trusted or worse...
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2010 on Export Successful! at KellyFitz's blog
Dpfitz9 is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 21, 2010