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Jill Draffkorn
Recent Activity
I am totally with you on everything you said! Yesterday I had a ton of stuff due for my ESL endorsement class AND it is report card week AND I am trying to fit in some semi-fun things for St. Patrick's Day! I feel overwhelmed but like you said, I just take it one task at a time!
And I, too, need to be reminded to not let things pile up! They just get so out of control.
You can do it!!
This week
All I can say is this week is "Job for Jehovah". There is a lot to do and I just don't see where/how I'm getting it done. Taking one assignment at a time. One day at a time. Making the most of each day. My take away this week is not allow things to pile up. As much as it's easier to put it off I...
Have you read Daily Five? It might help!! :) Also, maybe try asking them to write a reading response to hold them accountable for their reading.
At the beginning of the year, my second graders would take a whole stack of chapter books and tell me they were done reading all of them in 5-10 minutes. So I feel you!!
D.E.A.R time disaster
My school is doing DEAR (Drop everything and read) this week. I'd much rather us do it everyday, but it's not in the culture of the school. So today I set up each pod of students with 12 books of random interest and kinds. We started Dear at 2 pm, by 2:08 EVERYSTUDENTCLAIMEDTHEYHADREADEVERYBOOK!...
I think if I had an interactive whiteboard, it would probably work a lot better for me! Sadly.... I don't even have an overhead projector! :)
Mr. Whitaker's behavior report from Mr. Whitaker's Workshop.
ClassDojo has just increased their usefulness many fold! Now, I'm able to email parents much faster. This is great, cause I email and text parnets often. This is a snippet of what they receive via email. As you can see I'm always on task. Hi, I would like to share this report of Mr.’s behavio...
Congrats!!! What a cute picture. :)
Got my contract extension! She's gonna keep me! Was kinda worried for a second, but I showed her this picture and it was all good. We were young! Wow! Yeah, I feel like I was 18 then.
Your examples look so good! Rubrics are a great idea. I haven't used any at all this year, but now that I think about it, I should be using them, especially for writing. Sometimes when the students come show me their writing, I am boggled as to what they wrote... but I think that would help!! I'm looking forward to seeing your class's work after you implement the rubrics. :)
It was one of those weeks
We either rocked like Rock stars or we looked mighty odd. I choose to believe that we rocked like Rock stars. This week was interesting. My class did A LOT of projects and class work I'd hoped to be able to display. The issue is that what the kids gave me wasn't remotely what I was envision...
It sounds like you have a lot of success with ClassDojo! I tried to use it but I don't have a free computer to project the points... and when I tried to use it, I would assign points that wouldn't show up until 5 or 10 minutes later! Yikes. I'm glad it is working for you though!!
Mr. Whitaker's behavior report from Mr. Whitaker's Workshop.
ClassDojo has just increased their usefulness many fold! Now, I'm able to email parents much faster. This is great, cause I email and text parnets often. This is a snippet of what they receive via email. As you can see I'm always on task. Hi, I would like to share this report of Mr.’s behavio...
Ooo I like this! I have heard of using shaving cream but I've never done it. Thanks for the tips! They will be be super useful. :)
Marvelous Multiagers!
Class vs. Shaving cream (Round 1)
I get tired of watching my students go through ream upon ream of paper just wasting it. So I got this idea from another blog to use shaving cream as an assignment. It's not cheaper per say, but it's sure a lot more fun. *Mind you I did notice that this student has the "+" symbol in the wrong pl...
Jill Draffkorn is now following Jason Whitaker
Jan 21, 2012
Jill Draffkorn is now following Abbyrunz
Jan 25, 2010
Jill Draffkorn is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 25, 2010
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