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Recent Activity is now following PinkCherryMama
Oct 17, 2010
I am browsing through your blog as it always soothes me. I could truly understand everything you said about Christmas as well as what you didn't say. We are truly kindred spirits. I love all of the gorgeous photos of your home and gardens. I'm not too happy with the house we moved into about 7 years ago after my husband became disabled. It needs so much work and Mark isn't able to do any of it anymore. Since the boys are grown we really don't need this house in this lonely little town full of snobs. I wish I could be your neighbor. ((hugs)) xo Susi xo
1 reply
It's been so long since I've checked in and I loved reading your love story and the picture taken in Daytona. Your handmade crafts are really beautiful. The covered candy box is ingenius. I would have never thought to copy the fabric so I've learned something new. I hope you are all well and happy.
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2010 on My Love Story at The Spanish Dahlia
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Mar 4, 2010