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Txonä Rolyu
Recent Activity
Txonä Rolyu added a favorite at Avatar Blog
Dec 1, 2011
Kaltxì ma frapo, oeru syaw Txonä Rolyu. Leiu oe karyu lì'fyayä leNa'vi ulte oe tsun ayngaru srung sivi :) Aynga tsun tsive'a oeyä aysänumvi fìtseng: ulte txo lu sìpawm, aynga tsun oeru piveng fìtseng mì 'Type Pad' :) Aysänumvi oeyä lu ngim a fì'ut oel omum slä txopu rä'ä si, Inan ulte nume win na fwa aynga 'efu tsyafe :)
Hello everyone, I am Txonä Rolyu (Singer of the Night). I am a Na'vi teacher and I can help you all :) You can see my Na'vi lessons here (click link) and if you have questions you can ask me here on Type Pad :) My lessons are long, I know, but fear not. Read and learn as fast as you feel comfortable with :)
-Txonä Rolyu
AVATAR: How to Learn Na'vi
AVATAR fans like to casually use phrases from Na'vi (kaltxì for hello, oel ngati kameie for "I see you"), but there's lots more to the language than just the niceties of saying "hi" or "goodbye." James Cameron commissioned USC communications professor Paul Frommer to construct an entire, gramm...
Txonä Rolyu added a favorite at Avatar Blog
Dec 1, 2011
Txonä Rolyu added a photo at AVATAR
Nov 30, 2011
Txonä Rolyu added a photo at AVATAR
A motivational poster I just made about Avatar. English version to follow :)
Nov 30, 2011
Txonä Rolyu added a photo at AVATAR
I helped a friend of mine make an AVTR bulletin board in his hall! Man it must be nice to be a CA lol.
Nov 30, 2011
Txonä Rolyu added a favorite at AVATAR
Nov 29, 2011
Txonä Rolyu added a link at AVATAR!/msg511982/#msg511982
Kaltxì ma frapo! Lu Txonä Rolyu nìmun! Fpamìl oel futa ke lu oe hapxìtu fìponguä slä rìmeiun futa lolu hapxìtu fìkrr nìwotx hrh! Tse, ke tse'a oel fmawnit a teri haya ultxa ha tsat yìyem oel fìtseng. Pamrelit aynga tsun tsive'a mì Seng a Nume nìNa'vi ulte txo ke lu hapxìtu Tsengeyä, nga tsun oeru 'upxaret fpive' fa Keypuk fu Ayvitrayä Ramunong txo lu ngaru sìpawm :)
Hello again everyone! It's Txonä Rolyu again! I thought that I wasn't a member of this forum, but I just found out that I was this whole time lol. Well, I don't see the news about the next meet up so I will put it here. You can see the post on Learn Na' and if you're not a member of LN you can send me a message on Facebook or on ToS if you have questions :)
-Txonä Rolyu
Nov 29, 2011
Just be careful with these, sometimes they will give you names that have illegal characters or phonemes like "Tzmukan" and "Bakteyo"
AVATAR Name Generators: Find Your Real Na'vi Name
Looking for your real Na'vi name, and not just an adopted Pandora handle like Tsu'tey and Neytiri? Luckily there are some Na'vi name generators out there to help. There are two kinds of generators, the random kind and the non-random kind. Rum + Monkey has one of the random ones, the Na'vi Name...
Kaltxì, oeru syaw Txonä Rolyu :) Ayngaru lu fpom...
Kaltxì, oeru syaw Txonä Rolyu :) Ayngaru lu fpom srak? Txo new nga nivume lì'fyati leNa'vi, oe tsun ngaru srung sivi :) Hello, I am Txonä Rolyu. How are you all? If you want to learn Na'vi, I can help... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2011 at AVATAR
Txonä Rolyu is now following AVATAR
Jun 14, 2011
Txonä Rolyu is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 14, 2011
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