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Coralville, IA
Interests: drawing, singing, writing, reading, animation, photoshop, comics, video games, movies
Recent Activity
Here's something I couldn't pass up. It's a Street Fighter meme by check his page out... it is AWESOME! Anyway, I Street Fighter-ized myself and per the instructions, tried to make it look like Alpha art as much as possible. That was the art that pretty much shaped my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2011 at Some Sort of Fiasco
*Big Sigh* I got some bad news... and some good news. First things first... the good news. My car has been brought back from the dead and is up and running right now. My dad checked it and said that the engine looked okay but the oil was old so... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
Drixtina is now following Steve Martin
Dec 22, 2010
Oh... my... goodness... For the second time in my life, I had my car just stop in the middle of the road. The first time was in Connecticut about five years ago. I had a 1993 Ford Taurus that I had bought for just 700 dollars. I was going to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
Well, I'm back! I've been neglecting so many things since I last wrote and during Thanksgiving break. I told my dad that I couldn't go to his place for Thanksgiving because I had so much stuff to do... which was true. If I want to graduate in December, I have... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
Drixtina is now following Lisa
Nov 5, 2010
Drixtina is now following Wil
Nov 5, 2010
Drixtina is now following acreativemint
Nov 5, 2010
Well, next Monday is when our second book project is due and once again I have fallen victim to that dastardly disease... procrastination. I think it was two weeks ago when we went around in class and presented our book concepts. So many people had good ideas and everyone around... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I dreamt something... and it was sort of strange. A couple days ago, I watched some Paranormal show on TruTV. It went through some videos of sightings that I thought were obviously fake (Aliens, witches, odd looking 'fairies', some 'ghost' kid that appeared in the hallways of a hotel when... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
...Well it's true... Instead of trying to learn the language by myself from books, CDs, etc. I opted to take a class filled with people you may or may not like who can make fun of your pronunciation... let's not forget professors who come across as condescending and know-it-alls because... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
This was given to me way back during the release of Microsoft's new OS, Vista. I just found it a couple days ago (I thought it was lost during my move from Connecticut). My Physics teacher always liked to start class with current events and the like, so he gave... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I've been playing Twilight Princess and I gotta say, I'm loving this installment of The Legend of Zelda series. I'm to the point where I can't wait for Skyward Sword to come out. However, I do wish that they would've given Link an instrument instead of just having him howl... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I know that most people would say you don't have to like your job and I think that as well to a point. However, I'm dreading work every time even more than usual. I work at Wal-Mart as a cashier and it's pretty nice sometimes (a very small sometimes)... but... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
Beware, beyond here be wee SPOILERS! -- eh, really depends on what you consider a spoiler... I bought Puzzle Agent from Telltale Games some time ago and have been hooked on it. Let me tell you, if you like being faced with a puzzle without feeling the intense urge to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
Today started out as an uneventful day... until I got an idea that made me giddy the rest of the day... but that comes later. I woke up at 1:05 and was dreading the rest of the day because I had to go work at 5:00. Not only that, but... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I was having such a nice time at work today at five, but when I was supposed to leave, my mood went downhill. A customer service manager came by and told me to turn off my light since I was going home at 10:00. This was at about 9:53 or... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
It's not even half way into September, and I'm already thinking about Halloween. A couple years ago, I wanted to be a Jedi Knight but was too lazy to actually buy a costume. And what was the point anyway, all my friends were in Iowa--I was presently in Connecticut--and I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I finished my print last night. There was no shading but I think I made up for that with the background. The girl looks sort of... strange though. I don't know, I just don't like it... but I do like the background. My style is just... boring. If I could... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I should really be doing homework right now… Instead, I’m sitting at home, writing on this computer, and watching TV. I didn’t even do exercise which I vowed to start this week if I’m going to be a bridesmaid at my friend’s wedding, nor did I wash my stinky hair.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I am hating school right now. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I will be graduating this semester... then I'll be DONE! No grad school for me, at least not in the immediate future anyway. Five years in school may not seem like much, but I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
My dad bought me a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop in '07 and I have no complaints with it, well except for the fact that the battery died after a month and now it has to be plugged in to a socket. Due to my own stupidity and my inability to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I'm so very tired. I wasn't at school on Monday or Tuesday because of a stomach flu/cold type thing. It was probably just something I ate the day before and it was extremely cold in the house too, so I was out of commission the whole day on Monday and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I'm usually late to my Italian class which, as you can see above, starts at 9:30. Most of the time it's because I sleep in and have to take a later bus that gets me on campus at 9:30 on the dot, but I still have to walk to the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco
I swear I'm so pathetic sometimes. I'm very quick to say, "Oh, it's okay" when somebody apologizes to me. Whether they step on my foot, bump into me while rushing out of the elevator, snap at me, or whatever else they'd apologize for, the answer is still "it's okay". Maybe... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Some Sort of Fiasco