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John Lam
I am a Program Manager on the Dynamic Language Runtime team at Microsoft.
Recent Activity
John Lam is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
No. Android 2.1 has voice enabled textboxes though, so Im wondering if this isnt going to be built into the next update for the Droid.
Motorola DROID Review
Yesterday, I left my iPhone and the AT&T network behind and switched to Verizon. In no particular order, here are the set of things that I was unhappy with: Spotty AT&T network. In most of the places where I used my phone, things tended to work. Except of course for the times when they don’t....
Look for an announcement this month.
Passing the torch
I'm going to miss my first RubyConf since 2005. The IronRuby project is still going strong, and is in the capable hands of Jimmy Schementi. It's heading towards a 1.0 release (0.9.2 today), and Jimmy is going to lay out what that roadmap looks like at RubyConf on Friday. So what have I been u...
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