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Interests: whitewater rafting & canoeing, backpacking, computers, ferrets, karate, obscure music, travel, Asian artifacts & crafts, Vietnamese food, the ocean, Tolkien, Soccer, Ordinary People, RPG games
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Hrm. Link doesn't appear to be broken. Try this:
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2012 on A world where I want to live at 2ndchance
1 reply
Heh, it's too hot around here for a heated cat bed. At least this time of year. Miss Daisy has been claiming this bed first, lately, and Bonkers still manages to squeeze in with her. Time for some new pics!
Toggle Commented May 25, 2012 on Bonkers is hanging out at The Cat Room
1 reply
Hi Carolin: This blog entry is 6 1/2 years old, so I can only assume you used a search engine to find it. Not sure what the 'china' reference means. . . Truth is that I have worked with teens at several different treatment organizations, including some wilderness ones, and my opinions about Brat Camp were colored by that. But like I said, that was over six years ago, and I don't remember much of what happened with the tv show. ;). I see from your link that you are apparently connected to a school. It looks like a good place, and I wish you good fortune with the work that is done there to help teens.
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2012 on Unexpected Reality at 2ndchance
1 reply
Hello Bob! We like to meet new kitties. Our Human has not been giving us regular access to the computer lately, so we have not been able to update. But Bonkers will find a way.
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2011 on Stare at The Cat Room
1 reply
Bonkers will grab control of this bed if Miss Daisy doesn't get there first.
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2011 on Bonkers is hanging out at The Cat Room
1 reply
Wil, thanks for sharing this. I was in my early 20's when I first saw Stand By Me, and it instantly took me back to my own 'awkward years'. . .complete with bittersweet memories. I was a Gordie when I was young. Since then, I have watched younger generations watch the movie and be moved by the writing, acting and directing. It has taken on a timeless quality, and can be truly called a classic. I look forward to adding the BR version to my collection. And the NPR interview was great. Cheers! Ahud
1 reply
Wil, I hope you have a great time at PAX. Smart move to limit your meet/greet time, so you can actually enjoy the con. One question: why did you decide to do PAX and not Dragon this year? Ahud
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Mar 15, 2010
Hi Timbo! Sorry for the delay in responding. Do you ever hang out on FB or Google chat anymore? I'd love to catch up with you. Everything seems to be going fine here. We got over a foot of snow yesterday, and are digging out from that.
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2010 on Music and movie at 2ndchance
1 reply
Sorry for the delay in replying Tim. The working out is going well. . .I have a partner from work who is going through the program with me. We do 45 minutes of weights and 45 minutes of cardio. . .three times a week. I'm feeling stronger, having more energy, and eating in a more healthy manner. It will probably take me a year to get to my goal, but now I know I can do it.
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2009 on Remember at 2ndchance
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Thanks Zootie! (see new post above) I hope you and your hubbie are doing well.
Toggle Commented Aug 28, 2009 on Friend Smoothie at 2ndchance
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You captured just how I feel. There is a real sense of not wanting to 'stir the pot', because it doesn't seem worth it in the long run. A strange place to be. I find that I can be much more honest with this blog. Speaking of blogs, I miss reading yours. :)
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2009 on Friend Smoothie at 2ndchance
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My mother taught with Ralph Baer's wife when I was a kid. I actually got to go down in his basement and play with the Odyssey and his version of Pong. And I still have my Commodore 128 with the 5-inch disk drive. I'm such a geek. Oh wait a minute, that's you. ahud
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2006 on more eighties video game nostalgia at WWdN: In Exile
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My mother taught with Ralph Baer's wife when I was a kid. I actually got to go down in his basement and play with the Odyssey and his version of Pong. And I still have my Commodore 128 with the 5-inch disk drive. I'm such a geek. Oh wait a minute, that's you. ahud
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2006 on more eighties video game nostalgia at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Typepad rules! It allows you enough room to tinker/modify, w/out requiring you to do coding. On the suggestion above to use the 'flexible' setting: it applies to the center section but has one problem. When you use it, that space can shrink down to an inch across for those with 14-inch monitors. Makes for a *very* long front page.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2005 on laundrytown at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Typepad rules! It allows you enough room to tinker/modify, w/out requiring you to do coding. On the suggestion above to use the 'flexible' setting: it applies to the center section but has one problem. When you use it, that space can shrink down to an inch across for those with 14-inch monitors. Makes for a *very* long front page.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2005 on laundrytown at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply