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Diego Rodriguez
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Diego Rodriguez added a favorite at Unabashed Gearhead Gnarlyness
Dec 9, 2012
Mr. Bromka, Thanks for your comment. It is indeed a beautiful speech. In terms of my caveat of "you may not agree..." I didn't hear much disagreement voiced while I was at TED, but in reading through the comments at, there are indeed some alternative viewpoints being expressed. It's an important speech, one which I hope people will watch regardless of their initial thoughts or reactions.
Toggle Commented Mar 6, 2012 on Be Courageous: Bryan Stevenson at metacool
Diego Rodriguez is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi Mark and Ryan, thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on Innovating Day: a new (un)holiday? at metacool
Thanks Ryan! It all came together in a nice way. Katie, Gerry, David and Diem pulled it together for me. Amazing.
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2009 on Unabashed Gearhead Gnarlyness at metacool
Thanks, Chris! Great ideas.
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2009 on The future of NPR at metacool
I actually had the Lincoln on my list, but swapped it out for the Cadillac. Its association with the Kennedy shooting makes it a less than glamorous car. I love it as a design, though. What pure and timeless lines.
1 reply
Good question. Two-part answer: 1) I have a very tight definition of sports car: to me a sports car is optimized for handling and agility. Period. They can be fast (Cobra) or slow (Miata), but they're all about the raw experience of driving, and everything that's not a part of maximizing that experience has been stripped ou. In my world, a sports car is a Lotus Elise or a MG TC. A sports car is not a Porsche 928 or a modern 911 Turbo (though the GT3 version of the 911 qualifies as a sports car). 2) Because of their lack of creature comforts, sports cars are not glamorous; if you wouldn't wear a tux or a gown while riding in one, it can't be glamorous. Sports cars are kind of like that office space in Being John Malkovich, the one with the low ceilings. You don't want to spend a lot of time in a room with low ceilings. Real sports cars are cramped, low, rough-riding, and noisy. They're a kick in the pants because of it, but not glamorous. Sporty, but not glamorous. As far as the E-type Jag goes, well, I had to make some decisions. It was certainly not as exclusive a car as an Aston DB5, and it though it is the ultimate in penis-wagons, it is not as sexy as a Miura.
1 reply
Virginia, I agree. I'll judge the car separate from the driver. I love a GTO no matter who is driving it. Actually, I have two friends who own a Ferrari, and each of them are amazing people. Of course, they're owners of front-engine, V-12 machines from the 1960's. With Pininfarina bodywork. No gold-chain Magnum PI cars there.
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2009 on metacool Thought of the Day at metacool
Good point, Dave B.
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2009 on metacool Thought of the Day at metacool
Yeah, he gave a great talk. Lots of showing, no so much telling.
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2009 on Jacek Utko and Principle 3 at metacool
Tony: I'll be dealing with constraints in Principle 20. Thanks for bringing this up, as I will make sure to focus that one on constraints. Or maybe the topic merits its own principle... Otto: yes, you've hit on one of my favorite topics, and one that's all the more important (but even harder to act upon) in 2009. Happiness is part of an upcoming principle. In fact, I think I'm going to change the title of the principle I have on my list to better address flow and happiness. Thanks -- what a great add. I've received lots of emails, and those have been very helpful, too. Thank you, everyone.