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Dropdead Cute
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Mar 15, 2010
Good point! Yes you will want to rinse the quinoa thoroughly to remove the bitter saponin coating otherwise you probably won't like your dish too much.
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2009 on Mighty Grains at Drop Dead Cute
Oh I would love to see a photo when you're finished with it! My friend ended up loving it and tons of people ask her where she got it and if I'd make one and sell it to them...which of course is a definite no. But if you don't change the measurements like I did that'll take half the stress out of it. My tips would be to pop in some great music or an audio book...give yourself plenty of time... and start cutting...label every piece as you go with some tape and a marker so you know what is what...stay organized and mark off steps as you go. Good luck and let me know how it goes!!
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2009 on Jaime's Bag at Drop Dead Cute
No I haven't! I'm heading back to J-ville in a week so I'll have to check it out. I bet she got them at the Pot Rack. They are super nice in there. My mom got the new flat beater with the scraper for her Kitchen Aid Mixer for Christmas and I am jealous...I'm might have to get one of those too :)
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2009 on Some Recent Kitchen Favs at Drop Dead Cute