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A.K.A Cleaning Machines
Caloundra West Qld 4551
At A.K.A Cleaning Machines we have the capability and experience to manage any cleaning situation that you may encounter. We have a large range of equipment including floor scrubbers, steam cleaners, water blasters through to the very latest in cleaning technology in dry ice blasting. A.K.A Cleaning Machines has recently been appointed as Australian Importer and Distributor for Intelblast Dry Ice Blasting machines. We are also authorised distributors for Duplex Cleaning Machines. The Duplex range includes products from the Amazing Duplex Floor Scrubbers to market leading Tecnnovap Steam Cleaners. We have a large range of commercial and domestic vacuum cleaners including models specifically designed for use in the health care industry where a high level of infection control is mandatory. We also offer the unique Bio-Circle range of parts washers, which offer a greener and safer alternative to traditional parts washing systems. We have many years experience selling this equipment into various industries with a strong focus on the health and aged care industries.
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Dec 4, 2017
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