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David Savage
Photographer Historian Research Fellow
Interests: Russian Culture,
Recent Activity
Wishing You A Very HAPPY VALENTINES DAY " Be MINE" Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Paris Hilton
I am so Jealous you got to go to Ukraine I am...
I am so Jealous you got to go to Ukraine I am fluent in the language expert on the history and culture should you ever need soemone in that spot? Love You Always Baby Girl Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Поздравляем Вас с днем...
Поздравляем Вас с днем рождения и желаю вам жизни здоровья счастья удачи и любви I congratulate you with your Birthday and wish you Life Health happiness fortune and love. Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Paris Hilton
"That's Hot" ALWAYS... Red Bull & Jack Danials "Jacked Up" Париж! Я скучаю Россию Помагите Пожалуйста
Hey everyone! How is your day going? Love Paris...
Hey everyone! How is your day going? Love Paris xoxo
Delete Flag Saw your Post "Lovin Life" I can only...
Delete Flag Saw your Post "Lovin Life" I can only say Baby Girl what's not to Love Adoring Fans (me) Money,Work and a a physical appearence To Die For You are Lovely Inside and Out. I love your Life Too.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Saw your Post "Lovin Life" I can only say baby Girl what's not to Love Adoring Fans (me) Money Work and a a physical appearence To Die For You are Lovely Inside and Out I love your Life Too Wanna Trade? LOL
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Paris Baby Girl I been off line for six months I sure did miss your smiling face. Go Girl you got it XOXO
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Wow no wonder you're such a beauty you get it from...
Wow no wonder you're such a beauty you get it from your ma I just wanted to say Thanks BabyGirl for following me just know I'd follow you anywhere bound to be a hoot. Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Nobody believes that stuff to bad you can't sue the pants off of them.
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor....
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor. To set the record straight I have never tried to pitch a new TV show about an engagement and wedding. I am in the early stages of developing a show but I have been so busy with traveling and my other projects that I haven’t had time to finalize t...
Hey Paris a Good song? just today I learned my Baby Sister had passed away and nobody told me a song about Sibling Love/Hate relationship you know how you love them ewould die for them sacrafice everything fight anybody and how sometimes on the other hand they bug the living hell out of you and you can't undertsand why they won't shape up and fly right and you love them so much they make you angry.....
I don't know but deep down anyone with a brother or sister might know these feelings I think it could be a real heart grabber like some old country songs used to do.
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more...
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more music. What kind of subjects do you guys think would make great songs for me?
Paris You are a Beautiful Person Inside and Out if...
Paris You are a Beautiful Person Inside and Out if I were thirty years younger I woud pursue your attention with a Passion God loves those who care for the innocent and defensless of his creatures. While researching when my... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at Paris Hilton
afew thoughts about Sibling Love/Hate Relations
I love her more than myself
At times she makes me so angry
Don’t anybody sat a word against her
While we squabble like cats and dogs
She’s my best friend
When she’s a hundred miles away
She’s my baby sister
Hurt her and I’ll kill you
She makes me so mad
I could throttle her myself
When will she straighten up and fly right
Don’t you ever say a bad word about her
and so on if you catch my drift maybe it's just the whiskey talking and knowing we will never see or bait each other again till that day when we meet in Elysian Fields
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more...
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more music. What kind of subjects do you guys think would make great songs for me?
Devassa Beer Loga Paris Hilton Logo
Brazilian mix Hot Girls and Cold Beer
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in...
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in all your ideas asap. Put them all under this comments sections here.Can't wait to see them all! Love Paris xoxo
Tshirt Contest Idea
Paris Logo
"In Brazil Don't Mix Hot Girls (Chicks) and Cold Beer"
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in...
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in all your ideas asap. Put them all under this comments sections here.Can't wait to see them all! Love Paris xoxo
Paris I must say you are such a Lady You have it all Beauty Brains and Class. Best wishes.
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David Savage is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 22, 2010
David Savage is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2010
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