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Brett Dunbar
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Kind of the same basic point was made by Samuel Johnson during the American War of Independence -
"How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?" Taxation No Tyranny (1775)
**Live from the Log Cabin:** Via [Sidney...
**Live from the Log Cabin:** Via [Sidney Blumenthal], Honest Abe had some choice words for today's Republicans who claim that "religious liberty" means "the right of bosses to make their customers and their employees follow their religion": **Sidney Blumenthal:** "Throughout the war, Copperheads,...
Probably the chaos of the late Tang, the dynasty had by 900 ceased to exist in any meaningful sense.
Today's Economic History: Agricultural Development in Jiangnan, 1620-1850
The extremely-sharp **Kenneth Pomeranz** reviews **Li Bozhang**. It is another point for the coal-empire-metalworking view of the causes of the British Industrial Revolution, and against mentalité- or political institutions-based interpretations... Ken Pomeranz: Agricultural Development in Jiangn...
Some people are always known by a nickname. For a modern example Paddy Ashdown the former leader of the Liberal Democrats (1988-1999) his actual name is Jeremy John Durham Ashdown, Paddy is a nickname he picked up in school due to having a Northern Ireland accent.
Liveblogging 1066: September 20, 1066: Battle of Fulford
**Wikipedia**: [Battle of Fulford]( >Tostig... Harold Godwinson's banished brother... had allied with King Harald of Norway... but history has left us no record of what role Tostig saw for himself if the invasions were successful.... The earls of...
The difference would be that Israel's misbehaviour is ongoing. Israel is continuing to expand settlements right now. The treatment of the native American population occurred at a time when norms of human rights and international law were different. Israel is violating the third Geneva convention which was enacted as part of the response to the crimes of the Nazis.
The Last Thursday Idiocy Post: Sauce for the Goose Department
**Eric Loomis:** Tools of the Day: >First we have Larry Summers, for calling for university presidents to not fund faculty who want to attend the American Studies Association meeting. If the ASA had instead pushed to send toxic waste to Africa, Summers would be lauding the organization. It’s hard...
Military intervention can succeed, it depends on a lot of factors. The US intervention in Liberia was a success as was the British intervention in Sierre Leone and the French in Ivory Coast. The interventions in Kosovo and Bosnia were also largely successful. Working out why some succeed and others fail is not a simple problem.
Les Yper Sound
by Eric Martin John Quiggin, in musing on the relatively short lived era of the "hyperpower" (as measured by Thomas Friedman's arc of enthusiasm), distills what is the essential moral: A central lesson of this experience (of course, not one that Friedman or Joffe is ever likely to learn) is tha...
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May 2, 2010
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