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I cannot agree more Chuck. What Google/Facebook/Twitter and others have achieved at scale is nothing less than amazing. Reality however is indeed that the majority of companies have hundreds, if not thousands of different applications and of which the majority is provided by a 3rd party. Typically developed by 3 or 4 folks in an ancient language and chances of it evolving in the upcoming 5 years are minimal. You cannot expect those companies supporting that many applications to run their IT the same way as a company which IT is solely focused on providing this 1 (2 or 3) different services to a customer.
Dear Clouderati: Enterprise IT Is Different
So many people enamored with the brave new world of web-scale IT. You see them online, at conferences, etc. — brimming with passion, enthusiasm and excitement. I call them the clouderati — their heads are clearly in the clouds. It seems that every few weeks this group brings us a new shiny meme...
I would Tom if I did not have one of the coolest jobs at the source already :-).
But I do agree, this is one great opportunity!
“Best job ever” is open for candidates….
We are looking for a VP, VMware Technology Partner Management candidate. EMC couldn’t pry me away from VMware with 1,000 wild horses. It’s in my blood, what I’m passionate about, and what I get out of bed every day doing (as you can see from all the VMworld stuff). That said, I’m also being as...
Couple of things:
- diagram says "Vmware"
- Are there any prices available?
- Will it also hold SSD?
- Any performance numbers around storage?
Excellent piece of kit for SMB type of "Cloud in a box" or "VDI in a box" type of deployments.
NetApp Releases our First Virtual Storage Array!
On November 24th Fujitsu announced the global availability of the Primergy BX400 blade server. The Primergy BX400 is a green ‘datacenter in a box’ that delivers the first NetApp virtual storage appliance (or VSA) running Data ONTAP-v. For my North American brethren who may not be familiar with F...
DuncanYB is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 16, 2010
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