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Zafirah Dutczak
Perth Australia
Hey Everyone Im Zafirah Dutczak. Thats Right the one and Only
Interests: Number1 Paris Hilton Fan In Australia Been a Paris fan since forever shes Beautiful Talented Woman and hoping soon I get to meet my Idol in person So #HUGE Paris Follwed me On twitter Cant be more happy so Stoked Thankyou For Everything On Twitter.
Recent Activity
My 11.11 Wish Paris Hilton Please Read My letter
Toggle Commented Jul 21, 2012 on 11:11 - Make a Wish... at Paris Hilton
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 1, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris Hilton Hey Babe its Zafirah Dutczak from Western Australia I would just like to let you know how much i adore you and all the accomplishments you have achieved throughout your successful career. Thank you for your support on twitter, you are so sweet and caring to notice me when replying to my tweets. It was the most biggest highlight of my life and still is. I still remember trying to convince you to follow me after months and months of trying, i finally get an answer back and i was overwhelmed with excitement. I was that happy, tears were running down from my eyes the moment you followed me. Who would ever thought that the one and only Paris Hilton would follow me, you are my idol, you are my inspiration Paris and thank you again so much for replying. Im hoping someday i would meet you Paris in person, that would be my one and only dream it will be #HUGE!!!. I was Very happy that you loved my video that i have created for you and their is also more that i have posted on TWIVID so hopefully you can check them out too. I really enjoy creating videos for you and im also very excited for your new Album to be releasing very soon. I love electro house music, my partner also has a interest in DJing but doesnt have the equipment and time. I asked him to make a remix of #Goodtime by Paris and Afrojack, that would be HOT! #Lovesit. Im glad you had a great birthday, you looked very stunning in your dress OH MY GOD! #Lovesit, you are always looking beautiful Paris. Speaking of Birthdays mine is coming up on the 7th April and when i blow my candles on my birthday cake (i know you arent suppose to let anyone know your wish) but my wish is to meet you Paris Hilton. Okay im going to wrap it up and to let you know again that i love you Paris your amazing in everyway, your talented, successful business women, a great DJ and a very caring unique person So i hope you get the chance to read my letter and i hope you like it. Love you always Paris Hilton im your number 1 fan Yours Truly @ZafirahDutczak XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jun 26, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris Hilton Hey Babe its Zafirah Dutczak from Western Australia I would just like to let you know how much i adore you and all the accomplishments you have achieved throughout your successful career. Thank you for your support on twitter, you are so sweet and caring to notice me when replying to my tweets. It was the most biggest highlight of my life and still is. I still remember trying to convince you to follow me after months and months of trying, i finally get an answer back and i was overwhelmed with excitement. I was that happy, tears were running down from my eyes the moment you followed me. Who would ever thought that the one and only Paris Hilton would follow me, you are my idol, you are my inspiration Paris and thank you again so much for replying. Im hoping someday i would meet you Paris in person, that would be my one and only dream it will be #HUGE!!!. I was Very happy that you loved my video that i have created for you and their is also more that i have posted on TWIVID so hopefully you can check them out too. I really enjoy creating videos for you and im also very excited for your new Album to be releasing very soon. I love electro house music, my partner also has a interest in DJing but doesnt have the equipment and time. I asked him to make a remix of #Goodtime by Paris and Afrojack, that would be HOT! #Lovesit. Im glad you had a great birthday, you looked very stunning in your dress OH MY GOD! #Lovesit, you are always looking beautiful Paris. Speaking of Birthdays mine is coming up on the 7th April and when i blow my candles on my birthday cake (i know you arent suppose to let anyone know your wish) but my wish is to meet you Paris Hilton. Okay im going to wrap it up and to let you know again that i love you Paris your amazing in everyway, your talented, successful business women, a great DJ and a very caring unique person So i hope you get the chance to read my letter and i hope you like it. Love you always Paris Hilton im your number 1 fan Yours Truly @ZafirahDutczak XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jun 20, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris Hilton Hey Babe its Zafirah Dutczak from Western Australia I would just like to let you know how much i adore you and all the accomplishments you have achieved throughout your successful career. Thank you for your support on twitter, you are so sweet and caring to notice me when replying to my tweets. It was the most biggest highlight of my life and still is. I still remember trying to convince you to follow me after months and months of trying, i finally get an answer back and i was overwhelmed with excitement. I was that happy, tears were running down from my eyes the moment you followed me. Who would ever thought that the one and only Paris Hilton would follow me, you are my idol, you are my inspiration Paris and thank you again so much for replying. Im hoping someday i would meet you Paris in person, that would be my one and only dream it will be #HUGE!!!. I was Very happy that you loved my video that i have created for you and their is also more that i have posted on TWIVID so hopefully you can check them out too. I really enjoy creating videos for you and im also very excited for your new Album to be releasing very soon. I love electro house music, my partner also has a interest in DJing but doesnt have the equipment and time. I asked him to make a remix of #Goodtime by Paris and Afrojack, that would be HOT! #Lovesit. Im glad you had a great birthday, you looked very stunning in your dress OH MY GOD! #Lovesit, you are always looking beautiful Paris. Speaking of Birthdays mine is coming up on the 7th April and when i blow my candles on my birthday cake (i know you arent suppose to let anyone know your wish) but my wish is to meet you Paris Hilton. Okay im going to wrap it up and to let you know again that i love you Paris your amazing in everyway, your talented, successful business women, a great DJ and a very caring unique person So i hope you get the chance to read my letter and i hope you like it. Love you always Paris Hilton im your number 1 fan Yours Truly @ZafirahDutczak XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jun 20, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jun 20, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Thank You Paris What An amazing Wish Ever She's so Sweet Love always zafirah dutczak xox
Jun 20, 2012
Please Read My Letter Babe :) Love you Zafirah Dutczak
Toggle Commented Jun 20, 2012 on 11:11 - Make a Wish... at Paris Hilton
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jun 19, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jun 19, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jun 19, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris Hilton Hey Babe its Zafirah Dutczak from Western Australia I would just like to let you know how much i adore you and all the accomplishments you have achieved throughout your successful career. Thank you for your support on twitter, you are so sweet and caring to notice me when replying to my tweets. It was the most biggest highlight of my life and still is. I still remember trying to convince you to follow me after months and months of trying, i finally get an answer back and i was overwhelmed with excitement. I was that happy, tears were running down from my eyes the moment you followed me. Who would ever thought that the one and only Paris Hilton would follow me, you are my idol, you are my inspiration Paris and thank you again so much for replying. Im hoping someday i would meet you Paris in person, that would be my one and only dream it will be #HUGE!!!. I was Very happy that you loved my video that i have created for you and their is also more that i have posted on TWIVID so hopefully you can check them out too. I really enjoy creating videos for you and im also very excited for your new Album to be releasing very soon. I love electro house music, my partner also has a interest in DJing but doesnt have the equipment and time. I asked him to make a remix of #Goodtime by Paris and Afrojack, that would be HOT! #Lovesit. Im glad you had a great birthday, you looked very stunning in your dress OH MY GOD! #Lovesit, you are always looking beautiful Paris. Speaking of Birthdays mine is coming up on the 7th April and when i blow my candles on my birthday cake (i know you arent suppose to let anyone know your wish) but my wish is to meet you Paris Hilton. Okay im going to wrap it up and to let you know again that i love you Paris your amazing in everyway, your talented, successful business women, a great DJ and a very caring unique person So i hope you get the chance to read my letter and i hope you like it. Love you always Paris Hilton im your number 1 fan Yours Truly @ZafirahDutczak XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jun 19, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Best Thing Ever Thank you Paris xox
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
Apr 30, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 28, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Apr 28, 2012
Zafirah Dutczak added a photo at Paris Hilton
My 24Th Party!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 12, 2012