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Thanks to you both. It was good to have this brought back to my attention as well.
What a fantastic breakdown of the successful approach you and Barb have worked out. (And I LOVE your verb!) You two working together has been so powerful and I see it in my sessions with both of you. THIS is why I love coaching coaches - and you two are awesome coaches as well as amazing people!
I always enjoy your posts, my friend. But this one... this one I devoured then read again to savor. And when I came to the end, both times, I had tears. Yes, "The noise is a merely a distraction while you learn to make Great Art." Not while you MAKE the art, necessarily - but!
It's the quiet stubborn ones who don't get credit for their explosions. You've blown up some BIG walls and you're still at it. So proud to have you as a client - and happy to have you as a friend!
Ah - you're on one of my favorite topics now. The Passion-Purpose-Presence connection! And so right, we limit ourselves when we accept the idea that we have ONE big purpose and, until we uncover it, everything else is secondary. (Although I do find that most people have a theme in what "what lights their fire.") You make a beautiful case - could not agree more!
Dynamitedixie is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 16, 2012