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Can't wait to see your creation for yourself. Pressure's on, your next, what's it gonna be?
Ila's Sweater (that fits!)
Ila's sweater had been put on hold for a few days since I've been so busy with farm work and too tired to stay up late knitting. Last night I endured though and finished this little project right up. I'm so happy with how this one turned out. The natural indigo color, the one ply light weight ya...
Oh happy birthday Mr. Ezra! We are big fans of the birthday pie around here too. I hope you enjoyed your special day to the max!
My little Ezra turned seven this weekend. We had a wonderful celebration of all that is 'him' - heavy on the good food and good music. The day involved a lot of ice cream and vinyl. I do love his style of celebrating. His homemade gifts included a new set of bow-ties. Ezra's a bo...
It looks like you spun your yarn from lemons. What lovely yellow...just a great reminder for a gray and dreary day.
april :: {weekend snapshot} sunshine daydream...
Ironically, it is pouring rain as I post this... Hope you saw some little bundles of sunshine this weekend, however fleeting...
Wow. Your spinach green turned out really nice. Ours was not that colorful. We tried this for the first time this year and my favorite is definitely the purple cabbage!
random bits
: : We had a lovely warm Easter, complete with naturally dyed eggs. I used spinach (green), red cabbage (blue), beets (red), yellow onion skins (orange) and coffee (brown). There is a great chart at the end of this post. : : I enrolled in the Inside Out e-course and I am really excited abou...
What a treasure. Do you have bantam chickens? That's one teeny egg.
Soooo nice the warm weather brings eggs. Im missing our chickens now that we are outside.
this moment
{this moment} {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find a...
Yes, I love how the older ones show the younger ones without as much skill and bodily control...wonderful things like...flying. Last night Hawthorn was jumping from a step stool onto his bed...I could just see that Lake wanted to follow after. Yikes!
this moment
Part of Amanda's photo series:: one shot, no words, capturing a moment we'd like to remember.
I love when they realize they have hands. Too cute.
this moment...
Inspired by SouleMama In her words...{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
So sweet. I cherish those staring and cuddling with the sleepy baby moments.
What a beautiful and adventurous looking tree all lit up and ready to shine.
corner view :: evening
I love the light of early evening! Here Solomon is playing with his airplane while the rest of the gang is taking a break from decking the halls.
oooohhh's a snow blob! How I love the creations of a snow blob. We have three (melting away) in our backyard. Hopefully yours will stick around a bit longer.
snow day!
I think a lot of us got snow yesterday. What a treat. We made lots of warm food, we went sledding on a hill behind the house and generally took advantage of our first snow.
Wow that is a lot of snow. Kayla always wishes for snow like that so she could make tunnels through the snow. I remember doing that once as a kid. Have fun playing in the snow.
He's Here!
(King Winter that is!) Welcome our friend.........we're glad you've come! (Sorry for the dark photos......they were taken in the last light of this day!)
Yesterday it was short sleeves, today...snow. Amazing. I LOVE the beautiful sunburst in the second pic. What happy looking animals to have such a wonderfully fun family caring for them. I am enjoying these postcards.
Postcard no. 11
This year's first snow!
Last year was the first year we went to the Camphill near our house on the solstice. Watching our then two year old and four year old walk the spiral with their apple candles all by themselves really did seem to make time stand still. It was really beautiful. I loved readin about all of your traditions.
Monthly Mindfulness:: the magic of traditions
I am sitting at the edge of the advent garden-- a beautiful swirl of greens-- watching Max make his way through the path alone for the first time. He is carefully choosing his steps, hands cupping the apple with a lit beeswax candle inside. As he finds a spot to set his light, he looks up for ...
Wow! You really are taking some time to soak in that good 'ole farm life. What a great extended farm stay. Your kids must be loving it! What joy for them to make some new animal friends? Is your pup with you too?
Postcard no. 10
Just a few of the faces in the cast of characters around these parts. Their company is being quite thoroughly enjoyed during our stay...
Um... sorry. I didn't see my first one pop up.
I thought it didn't go through.
SouleMama Sponsor ~ IMAGINE CHILDHOOD ~
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Today's featured sponsor is Imagine Childhood. In their words: "Imagine Childhood is a catalog of nature and imagination based toys and activities for children, many of which are green, sustainable hand crafted...
Oh count me in. I just checked her shop out the other day and placed a small order for a few stocking stuffers. A $75 gift certificate would be a wonderful help to our holidays for sure. I remember last year your little miss getting a little real life looking bunny...and that was the first time I had heard of Sarah's shop. Thanks for the entry!!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ IMAGINE CHILDHOOD ~
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Today's featured sponsor is Imagine Childhood. In their words: "Imagine Childhood is a catalog of nature and imagination based toys and activities for children, many of which are green, sustainable hand crafted...
Oh count me in. I just checked her shop out the other day and placed a small order for a few stocking stuffers. A $75 gift certificate would be a wonderful help to our holidays for sure. I remember last year your little miss getting a little real life looking bunny...and that was the first time I had heard of Sarah's shop. Thanks for the entry!!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ IMAGINE CHILDHOOD ~
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Today's featured sponsor is Imagine Childhood. In their words: "Imagine Childhood is a catalog of nature and imagination based toys and activities for children, many of which are green, sustainable hand crafted...
Ahhhh...a vest and fingerless mitts, my favorite cold weather uniform! Happy farming!
Postcard no. 6
It only took me a few days on the farm to figure out that morning chores are much smoother with a cup of coffee in hand. Ah, thank goodness for revelations such as these... {Photo by Calvin, my morning chore buddy.}
Awww..Benny Black. I can tell you are happy to have him home. Tom's tools...the basics, and they are oh so important ones to a down to earth farmer! I love your self portrait. You are a woman of many trades. I love watching many of your creations come to life...beautiful.
Environmental Portraits
This weeks assignment was to photograph people through the objects of their lives....including a self portrait. We were to do five are mine: "Farmer Lyla" I visited my neighbor Farmer Lyla and found her at her work bench planning all the many crops she will grow next seaso...
I hope that the love for that transformation will still be strong at 90 too. I'm pretty sure that it is well planted in us as part of who we are, so we should be good.
In hopes of wintergreens!....(part 1)
We finally.....(finally!) got around to planting our little greenhouse today! It's awful late to be planting greens....but we're keeping our fingers crossed! Yuri's face lit up when I asked him if he wanted to plant with me! The meaning of his name is "farmer, or worker of the earth".........
Ohhh, mysterious. I'm sure it's a wonderful adventure.
Postcard no. 1
We've embarked on a little adventure! Watch your mailbox (okay, the blog) for postcards!
I really like the yarn. My girls want some! They are fascinated that you made it and that it is sooo beautiful.
weekend spinning
Last years wool harvest is slowly but surely being dyed and spun into colorful yarn skeins. Experimenting with the Greener Shades dyes is going well! Last week I shared with you some hand painted roving. This week I tried the hot pour method which produces more subtle colors. After some researc...
Oh my, this brings tears to my eyes. It touches me so deeply, because I too think/wonder/worry about those very same things. At 9, 5, 3, and 8 months in a wild house of unschoolers, I always wonder about that little helpless 4th. But as you said it, I too watch as whatever #4 lacks in my care, is made up by all of his siblings, and dad, which in a way can be oh so much more exciting and adventurous.
Happy birthday Harper!
My little boy turned one yesterday. One year old - one trip around the sun. He's a sweet, sweet, happy, funny, gentle, snuggly, jolly little one. I love him so. And so does the rest of the gang. If a Mama were ever to worry (as all Mama's do from time to time) about the life of a fou...
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