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ed fromyuma
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Four Daughters; The Union Club; Memories and Reconstructions; 126 W. Main, Medford, Oregon.
Cathy and Kirk have their own posts and their own memories; this post is about Ed (from Yuma) and Tina exploring his memories in a post. I had not returned to Jackson County in Southern Oregon since my mother’s death... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2017 at mmm-yoso!!!
First and Last Meals in Portland - the Mekong Bistro; Dar Salam
Kirk and Cathy get a day off today as Ed wants to talk about his and Tina’s first and last meals in Portland. On our trip, we flew into Portland and out of Portland, but the lion’s share of our... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2017 at mmm-yoso!!!
Ive noticed that with others in SD. Our last meal at Awash had really poor doro wat. Maybe 5 years down the road these newer places in PHX will gringofy as well.
Ethiopian Twice in Phoenix: Gojo and Abyssinia
Ed and Tina recently got back from their summer vacation, so today, Ed (from Yuma) wants to share a couple meals they had in Phoenix. Tomorrow, it’ll be Kirk or Cathy writing. Instead of flying out of Yuma and spending an entire day in airports and on airplanes on the way to Oregon, we opted to ...
Yuma Thai Cuisine
Hope 2017 is going well so far. Today it's Ed (from Yuma) blogging here. Tomorrow it'll be Kirk or Cathy. Thanks for reading the blog. In 2013, Yuma changed for the better when Red Rose, a Thai restaurant, opened off... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2017 at mmm-yoso!!!
Phoenix 3 – MIM; Tratto
Kirk and Cathy are too busy resting or working, so today Ed (from Yuma) is busy writing. MIM The Musical Instrument Museum is a marvelous new Museum sitting out in the desert just off the 101 outerbelt northwest of Scottsdale:... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Phoenix 2 – Buck & Rider; Crudo
Kirk is on a special adventure, Cathy is really busy, so Ed (from Yuma) talks about two restaurants in Phoenix today. Buck & Rider Just as they were opening at 11 AM, Tina and I drove up, parked the car,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Scottsdale/Phoenix 1 – Sofia’s, Phoenix Art Museum, Craft 64
Kirk and Cathy have better or more important things to do than post at mmm-yoso!!!, so today here's the first post from Ed (from Yuma) about food and adventures on his and Tina's recent trip to the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. Sofia's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Café Brazil in Denver
Today Ed (from Yuma) wants to share a meal with mmm-yoso readers that he shared on a recent trip to Denver. Tomorrow if Kirk doesn't post, Cathy will. So stay tuned. One place that Jane insisted we had to try... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Boulder, Colorado: Dushanbe Teahouse and The Med
While Ed (from Yuma) posts about eating on vacation today, Cathy and Kirk are busy. The world is like that. You don't need a weatherman to know that July and August are good times for Yumans to go on vacation,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Borneo Kalimantan Cuisine and Some LA Museum Eats
Today Ed (from Yuma) is finishing up his posts about a recent trip to LA. Tomorrow Kirk or Cathy will be posting about something different. That's what happens here at mmm-yoso!!! Tina and I had a good time in LA.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Northern Chinese Restaurant – Rosemead (LA)
Kirk is on vacation, Cathy is doing bunches of things, so Ed (from Yuma) has today's post on an unusual eatery in San Gabriel Valley. I had been researching restaurant possibilities for Tina and my trip to LA, and I... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Seafood Palace Née Seafood Village – Temple City (SGV)
While Kirk is out of the country, Cathy posts the most, but today Ed (from Yuma) posts about an old favorite with a new name. Tina had some slack time at work, so she and I drove up to LA... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Yuma's Mad Tacos
mmm-yoso!!! is a blog about food and travel. Today, Kirk is traveling, Cathy is busy eating, and Ed (from Yuma) is blogging. "You eaten at Mad Tacos?" It was my friend and former colleague, Dawn. "What? Where?" She then explained... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
3 San Diego Meals – Kokoro, Halmouny, Sufi, and More
Kirk and Cathy are traveling, eating, doing important stuff, or maybe just resting today. So Ed (from Yuma) is posting about 3 meals (from San Diego). Kokoro I had to have some sushi. Just had to. Tina had memories of... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
2 Yuma Trucks: Mariscos Güero and Taqueria San Pedro
mmm-yoso!!! is a foodblog focusing on San Diego and the world. Kirk posts most, Cathy posts often, and today Ed (from Yuma) posts this. Every year the Yuman food truck culture spawns more spots. Here's a couple: Mariscos Güero Angie,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Five Course Dinner at the Wine Vault on 4/2/16
Kirk kindly lets Cathy and even Ed (from Yuma) blog here, so today Ed wants to share a meal with you electronically that he shared with Tina actually. To get to The Wine Vault, we went to the last block... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Tacos El Zamy – Yuma
Kirk and Cathy are really busy today, so another post by Ed (from Yuma). When the long defunct Indian restaurant on 4th Ave. was transformed into a taco shop, the change was instantly apparent: So of course I had to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Crouse’s Flat Top Grill in Yuma
Kirk and Cathy are busy doing important things today. So Ed (from Yuma) is filling in with a post about a new place in Yuma. Longtime Yumans still identify the space at 2855 S 4th Ave as the location of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Bund Shanghai in Las Vegas
While Kirk is overseas and Cathy is overworked, Ed (from Yuma) has worked up a post about a place he and Tina enjoyed last June. On our vacation, we did a lot of lazing about and some good eating. After... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Breakfasts at the Patio at Desert Hills, Yuma
While Kirk is out of the country adventuring and eating and taking photos that he will share with us later, Cathy is doing most of the posting here at mmm-yoso. Some days Ed (from Yuma) helps out, and today is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2016 at mmm-yoso!!!
Oregon Wine Country Adventures
Kirk is recuperating and readjusting to San Diego. Cathy (who is already well adjusted) is just recuperating. That means this post about travels through the vineyards of Oregon was written by Ed (from Yuma) with some photos by Tina. Tina... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2015 at mmm-yoso!!!
Meet "The Press" in Yuma
mmm-yoso is primarily a food blog. Kirk posts the most here, and Cathy also posts often. But today Ed (from Yuma) posts about a new eatery (in Yuma). The late summer and early fall are good times to launch new... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2015 at mmm-yoso!!!
Sonoma: La Salette and Walt and Plaza Park
mmm-yoso!!! is a food and travel blog centered in San Diego. Most often Kirk posts here, and Cathy also posts alot, but since they are busy with other things, today you get to read something by Ed (from Yuma) who... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2015 at mmm-yoso!!!
Eddie's Grill – New in Yuma
mmm-yoso!!! basically is Kirk's blog, but he is kind enough to allow Cathy to post here a lot and Ed (from Yuma) to post here once in a while. Today is a once in a while day. Since Frank's and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2015 at mmm-yoso!!!
Tasting Twist in Las Vegas
Kirk and Cathy finally get to take things easy as Ed (from Yuma) is blogging today about a meal in Vegas about a month ago. Usually when I am posting about a vacation or even just a couple of days... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2015 at mmm-yoso!!!
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