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Interests: spirituality, hockey, sharing, travelling, meditation, ..., kitesurf, discovering, studing law
Recent Activity
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 2, 2010
I see all of you guys...... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2010 at AVATAR
Toggle Commented Jan 1, 2010 on The AVATAR/Matrix Connection at Avatar Blog
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 1, 2010
Posted Jan 1, 2010 at AVATAR
Je parle français aussi mais où sur Facebook, j'avoue que c'est plus facile pour s'y retrouver....
Edouard is now following Eric Kyle
Dec 28, 2009
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 28, 2009
I totally agree Eric Kyle... We need to change and to look back for what we are for... Earth or Pandora? I would rather live on Pandora for the beauty of this world but also the love that is given for the nature, love that is given between the Na'vi, real values, connections between each other, etc. To feel it in the deep of our soul. It remains a little on Earth but not as it HAS to remain on Earth. Now values are not spiritual but only material. We need to change that on the opposite side and make a better place to live with our planet and not only on it... It s great to have this kind of community to share good feelings that I tought, don't even exist in our money world...
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2009 on AVATAR: What We Know About Pandora at Avatar Blog
Earth or Pandora? I would rather live on Pandora for the beauty of this world but also the love that is given for the nature, love that is given between the Na'vi, real values, connections between each other, etc. To... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2009 at AVATAR
Edouard is now following Lily
Dec 28, 2009
Francophone Lily?
Nice one, I saw a lot of things with spirituality but I didn't get this one... Look at my post... Nice to hear such a lot of good feelings about something that connect everyone...
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at AVATAR
"I see you", the symbol to see the soul of each other?
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at AVATAR
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 27, 2009
We need to be an ocean and we will... Don't want to do a group on Facebook?! It's easier...
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 27, 2009
I think that it won't be possible for Pandora, unfortunatly...
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 25, 2009
Edouard is now following FTU
Dec 24, 2009
And from which language? I tried but didn't work...
How do you know? Try for the other...
Yes it's so frustrating... I have the same wish than you to live with the Na'vi... Really hope that we are going to find something to imagine and create a world like that which can be experienced... You have to read Bens and Jake, we share lots of good thinking about Avatar...
I liked it Jake, nice post... But not least... We will continue sharing this kind of feeling because it's exactelly what I m thinking to... It s hard to get enough of Avatar because it touch myself to deep in my soul. James Cameron think like that to, it s obvious and nice to know that someone well-knowed can bring a message like this to people around the world
Edouard added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 24, 2009