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The sad thing is that many of the Africans who are qualified to deal with health crises in Africa are either not here anymore - because foreign shores pay WAY better - or ARE here, and are jumping on every gravy train that comes by.
And I live here and have seen this sort of thing, before anyone gets all righteous. Every single major aid project has to pay dues to local despots - who may well be government officials - before anything can get done.
Butembo: Nurses threaten to go on strike to demand their risk premiums and safety
Via Butembo: Nurses threaten to go on strike to demand their risk premiums and safety. Excerpt and then a comment: Nurses members of the Intersyndicale Nurses of Butembo (North Kivu) threaten to go on strike to claim the payment of their risk premiums. "We condemn the marginalizati...
Another sober, reasoned, chilling account of the wave of wilful stupidity that seems to be engulfing the US - and further afield. Hotez is superbly well qualified to comment on vaccines and public health; anyone who says otherwise is deliberately distorting the truth. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but there really does appear to be SOMETHING going on in US/Europe that is very disturbing. Russian social media engineering, possibly??
When defending vaccines gets ugly
Via The New York Times: When Defending Vaccines Gets Ugly. Excerpt: Peter Hotez is no stranger to vitriol. An outspoken proponent of vaccines in a state with one of the most vocal anti-vaccine lobbies in the country, Dr. Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor Colle...
Great piece of work! It's iniquitous how this sort of garbage gets traction. There's no proof Ebola has spread out of DRC to neighbouring countries, let alone to Mexico!
Ten steps to Ebola on the Mexican border
Earlier today I saw this tweet in the #Ebola feed: This is not the first time I've heard the rumour; it's been on and off Twitter for several weeks. It tends to be picked up by people who express support for President Trump and building his wall, and is of course cited as a good reason to fini...
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Jun 3, 2019
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