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Hey! ASW will be closed to new members from 1 March, 2013. I have a few invites left. Contact me for details at mariia.wiel at gmail dot com.
VIP Social Networks
FORBES -- May 7 -- According to a January survey by the Luxury Institute, wealthy-consumer participation in social networks is on the rise. Of the 805 people surveyed (each with a minimum gross annual income of $150,000 US) in 2008, 60% of respondents participate in a social network, up from 27%...
Hey! ASW will be closed to new members from 1 March, 2013. I have a few invites left. Contact me for details at mariia.wiel at gmail dot com.
ASMALLWORLD, Founder Erik Wachtmeister - SNW Interview
SNW INTERVIEW -- Aug 2 -- ASMALLWORLD is exclusive to the jetset crowd, mainly in Europe. They may grow to one million users, in time. But size is not what counts with this social network. ASW is shooting to be the creme de la creme SNS. Now, would someone please send me a darn invite? Please?! ...
Efffusive is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2013
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