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Eric Eilersen
Recent Activity
I've gotta go with the obvious "I see you" But I...
I've gotta go with the obvious "I see you" But I personally would love no words at all. Just the smile he gave her and she gave him after she put the mask on his human body and saved him.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at AVATAR
Absolutely love this :)
No title
I was talking to my friends about this and I completely agree that Zoe deserves an Oscar nomination! Even if, by some ridiculous reason, you don't like the movie, her performance is outstanding. I believe her performance is actually enhanced by the CGI, because think about how much extra work it had to be acting with no environments/costumes etc. Her performance was SO believable and emotionally amazing, and she had nothing to work off of.
Bravo Zoe!
AVATAR’s Neytiri: Oscar-Worthy Acting or Just CGI?
The debate rages over whether AVATAR's performance capture is true performance for the Oscars and other awards. Cameron's actors had to work hard to make AVATAR's action look real, but it wasn't enough to impress the Screen Actors Guild, which didn't even nominate AVATAR actors this year. Maybe...
so if Star Trek fans get "Trekkie" what do us...
so if Star Trek fans get "Trekkie" what do us Avatar enthusiasts get? Any thoughts? Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Eric Eilersen's blog
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Jan 2, 2010
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Jan 2, 2010
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