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This post comes with perfect timing for me as today marks my 4 year anniversary of joining Twitter too. I was scratching my head wondering what I should write to mark the occasion, that hasn't already been written, but now I can just point here instead.
Four Years on Twitter
I STARTED LISTENING to Twitter back in October 2006 and followed Liam Burke into the Twitterverse on the 7th of December 2006 on the day that Jaiku's robin started bugging me. I've a little copy book containing scrawled notes from mid-October 2006 that shows a little matrix of comparisons betwe...
Eirepreneur is now following Winsent1
Aug 7, 2010
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Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following Bodonovan
Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following Pat O'Hora
Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following Whizzkids Summer Camps
Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following Bernie Goldbach
Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following JoeGarde
Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following Derryo
Aug 7, 2010
Eirepreneur is now following tmurphy
Aug 7, 2010
Great bunch of innovators there Patrick and also at 091labs in Galway and now the Cork hackerspace. I'm glad to report we had a number of people at OpenCoffee Limerick yesterday who are going to help get a hackerspace off the ground here too.
Irish Hackerspaces Week
091labs is a hackerspace in Galway, Ireland. I paid a visit to their premises last week when they hosted OpenCoffee Galway and was hugely impressed by what I saw. In fact I was 'on a mission' to see if we could bottle up some of their hackerspace magic and bring it back to Limerick. And what's a...
Mark Cahill posted a photo to Facebook of the OpenCoffee button badges handed out at #DOCC yesterday. I asked if he nicked a few for Limerick. I was planning to use the nifty badge printing tool at but I ran out of ink on Tuesday. If we can get more people to RSVP there for next month I'll make sure get it done.
Limerick OpenCoffee Proves Constructivism Works
AS YOUTUBE PROVES, Ovi Maps knows the fastest way to get to Limerick OpenCoffee. The August meeting proved that the Limerick group has achieved a rather sophisticated way of networking with a soft touch. As a third level educator interested in constructivism, Limerick OpenCoffee remains a...
Eirepreneur is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 6, 2010
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