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Emily Kindlon
Recent Activity
So, I rang in the New Year in bed. I was gifted a stomach bug. I'm 99% sure I got sick because of all my whining in the previous post. It's a good reminder that one should not complain about... Continue reading
I had one of those moments today. The world was turning as usual. I was holding doors for people, doing my coworkers favors, and then WHAM. I was hit by a piano being played by a skinny blonde lady with... Continue reading
Recently, it was brought to my attention that there were a handful of folks actually reading my blog. So, it makes me feel a little guilty that I've been neglecting it. Approximately six months ago I wrote on my way... Continue reading
I really like this picture. I would like to be that happy. I know achieving that level of happy would involve running, coffee and Kurt Vonnegut. It might also have to include showtunes. Someday, I'll figure out a way to... Continue reading
BRUNCH PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED BECAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE MY READERS ARE MATURE ENOUGH TO PROCESS CONTENT. So let's talk about brunch. Brunch has a special meaning to the athlete. It implies a reward for hours of hard work. To... Continue reading
Nice. How many flights in that building?
1 reply
Emily Kindlon added a favorite at City Coach | Emily "Killer" Kindlon's Blog
Jun 25, 2011
Emily Kindlon is now following Jonathan Cane
Jun 25, 2011
I cling to it like a wet t-shirt whenever something like last week happens. Last week, I managed to kill two races with one swim workout. In all fairness, if it had just been this one minor injury with an... Continue reading
Arg. Why is it so easy to get killed riding your bike?! And why hasn't anyone figured it out and fixed it? That's really sad.
1 reply
Congrats everyone. I almost wish I was there with you. It was COLD yesterday!
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2 cups of coffee, 1 Mountain Dew A lot of stairs and 1.5 miles with Milton Today my day began a lot like Justin Beber's day. I woke up late and exhausted from a late night working. I had to... Continue reading
4 cups of coffee 1.5 miles (with Newman) So I was supposed to do a team run today but I got kidnapped by work. This happens a lot. It's 5:30 PM, I've got one arm in my coat and then... Continue reading