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artist, crafter, happy eater; pusher of handmade.
Recent Activity
Thanks Jenny! It's really good & SERIOUSLY so easy.
Chocolate butter mochi, aka the gluten-free brownie.
I love mochi. I think maybe I've always loved it. Mildly sweet, lovely & chewy, and often filled other yummy things (ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter, red bean paste). When I moved to Taiwan to teach English after college, the mochi thing went into overdrive. All of a sudden what had been a...
thanks so much, Heather! I appreciate all your encouragement along the way, too! :D
pudgy bears on the brain
I got it in my head that I needed to make something for Valentine's Day. This is the result: Pudgy bear heart brooches! I've been told they look like cookies. nomnomnom. More process photos of these can be found in my make366 set on flickr. If you're looking for a brick & mortar shop fo...
thank you aprill!! it is so nice of you to say these things, and funny, because I kind of totally think the same of you! and those two amazing girls of yours on top of everything else! happy new year!!! xoxo E ps. I'm ordering more hyenas.
so long, 2011!
Hello friends/crafty folk/random passersby! I had all sorts of elaborate "right after Christmas is over" plans for this blog, born out of many months of (self-induced) guilt over not finding/making time to update & post all the things that I want to, but realized with a jolt this week that I've ...
thanks A!! it was a good time, I just wish I'd been able to take a minute to _breathe_ and enjoy it while it was happening! your october sounds full of lovely activity + peace too. play doh sounds so fun right now!
November says what?
So, um, I still have no idea at all where October went. It's all a blur. I think it went something like this: Lowell Open Studios make make make/spin spin spin/dye dye dye vend at SOAR make make make/spin spin spin/dye dye dye host visiting Canadian friends + visit Rhinebeck make make m...
congratulations!! keeping my fingers crossed that your beautiful book crosses over to us here in the states!
it's here!
Today my book hits the shops! Up above are pictures of three of my favorite projects from its pages. The monkey is an oldie that I hadn't written the pattern for until now (if you have read my blog for a while you might possibly remember previous incarnations of him from way back in 2006!...
I hope you get a set for hosting too! such a good holiday card option!!
MOO Holiday cards giveaway!
I love MOO. I've ordered oodles of their mini cards, so tiny and awesome, and this Summer I ordered a bunch of photos as postcards for Oscar to keep relatives updated on his activities. Their products are excellent quality and their site is easy to use so I was psyched when they contacted me abo...
thanks, Liz! that clear skies (or just not rain-- clouds are ok) part is the most important to me!
piles of petals + picnic in portland
I've noticed that many of my recent favorite photos have been the quick ones I've snapped with my phone of things I'm working on around the studio-- piles of petals, pieces, and beads -- because this is honestly what I spend a lot of my time looking at. While my brain is frequently ponderin...
thanks, C! there's just something so satisfying about stacks of works in progress :)
piles of petals + picnic in portland
I've noticed that many of my recent favorite photos have been the quick ones I've snapped with my phone of things I'm working on around the studio-- piles of petals, pieces, and beads -- because this is honestly what I spend a lot of my time looking at. While my brain is frequently ponderin...
thanks, Ana! No one better to hear that from than a talented knitter!!
tour de fleece 2011
Something else I was doing this summer... the Tour de Fleece is a mostly-virtual, motivational, cheer-each-other-on and challenge yourself spinning event. It follows the Tour de France annually. People form teams, set challenges, award prizes, etc. I guess it's kind of a Ravelry thing. Anywa...
A, the herbs are what I miss most about not having good light at home now. I am jealous of your salad greens!
spring things
Every year when we turn our clocks back for Daylight Savings, I'm tricked into thinking it's spring. But New England weather is a tricky thing. Bright, sunny mornings that would promise warm, no-jacket days in other places often mean chilly, windy, I-can't-believe-I-didn't-wear-my-parka days (...
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May 4, 2010
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