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artist, crafter, happy eater; pusher of handmade.
Recent Activity
Thanks Jenny! It's really good & SERIOUSLY so easy.
thanks so much, Heather! I appreciate all your encouragement along the way, too! :D
thank you aprill!! it is so nice of you to say these things, and funny, because I kind of totally think the same of you! and those two amazing girls of yours on top of everything else! happy new year!!! xoxo E ps. I'm ordering more hyenas.
thanks A!! it was a good time, I just wish I'd been able to take a minute to _breathe_ and enjoy it while it was happening! your october sounds full of lovely activity + peace too. play doh sounds so fun right now!
congratulations!! keeping my fingers crossed that your beautiful book crosses over to us here in the states!
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2011 on it's here! at hop skip jump
1 reply
I hope you get a set for hosting too! such a good holiday card option!!
1 reply
thanks, Liz! that clear skies (or just not rain-- clouds are ok) part is the most important to me!
thanks, C! there's just something so satisfying about stacks of works in progress :)
thanks, Ana! No one better to hear that from than a talented knitter!!
A, the herbs are what I miss most about not having good light at home now. I am jealous of your salad greens!
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2011 on spring things at elingeling = migration + rhinofluff
elingeling is now following The Typepad Team
May 4, 2010