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City of the Trees
I'm not simple, I'm complex. I like to keep upbeat, stay postive. Life's generally better that way.
Recent Activity
I was laughing so hard! Hearing zachary say...
I was laughing so hard! Hearing zachary say 'fuck', just does it for me, hahahahhaha. i agree the ending was sooo effed up but soo hilarious. Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Elisa added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 30, 2009
I didnt like her when she was around peter, but in season 3, when she was with gabriel.. thats when she won me over. she just grew on me. haha,
rip elle.
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... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
ive been voting like crazy! i noticed taylor too, bahumbug, he cant pass zach!
um, quick question. Are we really gonna let Taylor...
um, quick question. Are we really gonna let Taylor Hicks beat out Zach in the Mr. Twitter competition? Ought to draw the line somewhere.... anyone else still voting? Just because?
Elisa added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 30, 2009
i could quit giggling throughout the whole thing. hehe,
Heroes - Sylar and HRG - Circus
hahah, i heard that rumor Brie. there was a really nice fanfic story about it too. it was really good.
You know the theory that BayBay Sylar is Sylar and...
You know the theory that BayBay Sylar is Sylar and Claire's Child....who believes this is so? IDK what I believe...but I was just watching that part again and I swear that the dog is Mr. why would Sylar have Mr. Muggles? AND his son is named Noah, just like HRG.
yeshyesh, very much so.
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but the problem with that theory is that in that AU future, Sylar still believes that Peter is his brother. Or at least it seems that way because he calls Peter, "brother". so that would mean he knowingly had a child with his niece.. which would be incest.. hahaha. but who knows.
You know the theory that BayBay Sylar is Sylar and...
You know the theory that BayBay Sylar is Sylar and Claire's Child....who believes this is so? IDK what I believe...but I was just watching that part again and I swear that the dog is Mr. why would Sylar have Mr. Muggles? AND his son is named Noah, just like HRG.
Elisa added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 30, 2009
i absolutely love this pic. he's so adorable.
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a much yummier version of James Bonds. but yes, i agree.
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Elisa is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 29, 2009
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