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The New Millennium in Oakland
I have a #veganconfession to make: Millennium Restaurant in San Francisco was never my favorite vegan restaurant. I loved that it was elegant and upscale...there are exactly zero such restaurants South of San Francisco...but I always had one significant quibble. I felt like every dish tried just a little too... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2015 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Week One Cooking from Mayim's Vegan Table #vegcookbookclub
I'm trying to get back in the swing of things with the #VegCookbookClub, and this month's selection was the perfect one for me, since I already owned Mayim Bialik's Mayim's Vegan Table, and was looking forward to trying it. I also knew I wasn't traveling the entire first half of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2014 at Veggie Goes Vegan
When comedians are vegan
They have funnier answers to the questions veg*ns get tired of answering that you or I would have. Case in point, comedian Myq Kaplan, in this article on Thrillist: Things People Say When You Tell Them You're a Vegetarian/Vegan Enjoy! Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2014 at Veggie Goes Vegan
From The Huffington Post: 30 Things Veg*ns Don't Want to Hear Anymore
Link: 30 Things Veg*ns Don't Want to Hear Anymore I can't say I agree with the proposed comebacks to each of the 30 questions. But I agree that one does hear them a lot. I do get asked about protein. I do hear about how cheese is un-give-up-able (that would... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2014 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Vegan MoFo Day 14: The best laid plans...
...of this blogging vegan, were completely waylaid by a little thing called work. Sigh. Bad Vegan Mofo Hanger-On, BAD! Of course that little thing like work had me leaving the house by 7AM most days this week, and getting home late and just generally not being on a schedule or... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Vegan MoFo Day 8: Impromptu Dinner
Last night I wanted to cook, and I had the following goals: 1. Use up a bunch of produce that was starting to reach the edges of its freshness 2. Quick, easy 3. Get some protein in, since I really hadn't had any all day The choice was clear: Yes,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Vegan MoFo Day 7: My (wannabe) morning ritual
At around the same time last year I read Kathy Freston's The Lean, and I bought a Vitamix. Both created habit changes, even if I'm not perfect at doing all 30 Lean tips every single day. One of the most significant habit changes that I'm pretty faithful to is makeing... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
vegan MoFo Day 4: And just like that...
I miss a day. Sigh. It's a lot easier to blog daily on the weekend than on the weekdays, that's for sure. So, in honor of Vegan MoFo Day #3 I ate a Sofritas Burrito at Chipotle. If I'm being totally honest, I could be equally happy with a Beans/Rice/Guac/Salsa... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
#VeganMoFo Day Two: Hungarian Goulash
I just couldn't let August's #Vegcookbookclub book go, and had to make one more recipe from Betty Goes Vegan by Annie and Dan Shannon: Hungarian Goulash That means I also finally used my slow cooker, hooray! This recipe was rich, savory, easy. Take a look at the beautiful finished product:... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Vegan MoFo starts TODAY!
OK, I had to go check my archives to confirm: No, I am not crazy to be surprised to see Vegan Mofo filling my feed reader starting today. For the last several years Vegan MoFo month has been *October*, and while time indeed does fly, it is not actually October... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
I've actually been cooking, just not posting
Thanks to the VegCookbookClub, I've actually cooked regularly. I don't claim to do anything facy and recipe-based more than a few times a month, but I am keeping up. The problem is that then I snap the shots of the food, post them to Instagram, and never quite make it... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Last weekend's farmer's market beauty and bounty
The farmer's market is always a sight for sore eyes, and I'm surprised how often I run across a fruit or vegetable I don't actually recognize. Last weekend it was these: I understand they're a kind of eggplant. Eggplant isn't my favorite food inthe world (I know, weird for a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
If smoking habits can change, why not eating habits?
File this in the self-fulfilling prophecy category. So, the New York Times has an interesting article about how the Mediterranean Diet has been subjected to a long-term study and shown to reduce heart disease. It's interesting because their claim is that no other diet has ever ever been subjected to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
This week in #VegCookbookClub Cooking: Color Me Vegan
February's #VegCookbookClub book is Colleen Patrick Goudreau's Color Me Vegan, and unlike last month where I was feeling uninspired, I've bookmarked a bunch of recipes to try in this one. I've tried three recipes already, all of which have turned out pretty well. Of course I do my usual substitutions... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Heh, glad it's not just me :)
20 Ingredients I Can’t Live Without | The Kind Life
Via: 20 ingredients I can't live without on The Kind Life These are the most important ingredients I need in my fridge or pantry, no matter what. If you have these, I feel like you’re pretty much set. This list might be especially great to share with any flirts that you know to get them starte...
Sorry for the delay in posting comments. I forgot to check my folder...and there's so much comment spam on Typepad these days, i can't just let them go live.
Veganwagon, I don't feel comfortable providing full recipes from cookbooks...I feel like it's not fair to the author. I think if you Google the recipe name, though, other folks may not have the same qualms.
Crazy Sexy Lentil Chard Ragout
The January #VegCookbookClub book is Kriss Carr's Crazy Sexy Kitchen. I actually haven't followed Carr's story too closely. I know she was sick, and now she's not, and that she credits her plant-based diet. So, that's cool. But that's about the extent of my knowledge. I was looking for a simple ...
New Vegan Cheese at Trader Joe's
It has been surprising to me for quite some time that Trader Joe's did not carry a vegan cheese...especially since they carried soy cheese. Just not *vegan* soy cheese. I mean, why bother? So when I was alerted by this post on This Dish is Veg that they now carried... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Crazy Sexy Lentil Chard Ragout
The January #VegCookbookClub book is Kriss Carr's Crazy Sexy Kitchen. I actually haven't followed Carr's story too closely. I know she was sick, and now she's not, and that she credits her plant-based diet. So, that's cool. But that's about the extent of my knowledge. I was looking for a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Hoppin' John for a Happy New Year! #VegCookbookClub
The final recipe I made from our December #VegCookbookClub book was, appropriately enough, Hoppin' John. Hoppin' John is a dish featuring black eyed peas that is traditionally cooked on New Year's Day in the American South. I think that the increased interest in both plant-based diets and in artisanal cooking... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
A Vegan Cooking Show on the Cooking Channel
Even if they won't call it that! Here's the scoop on VegNews. The show is called How to Live to 100, and debuts tomorrow. It's in my DVR, ready to go. Will you watch? Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
20 Ingredients I Can’t Live Without | The Kind Life
Via: 20 ingredients I can't live without on The Kind Life These are the most important ingredients I need in my fridge or pantry, no matter what. If you have these, I feel like you’re pretty much set. This list might be especially great to share with any flirts that... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 2, 2013 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Catching up: Some #VegCookbookClub cooking this week
I haven't been posting about the recipes I've been cooking from this month's #VegCookbookClub book, Vegan Holiday Kitchen by Nava Atlas, but I've been busy. Consider this post a bit of a catch-up. And since it sems like I totally shot my was participating in Vegan MoFo in October (and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2012 at Veggie Goes Vegan
If I were bringing something to a party where a lot of folks wouldn't know me, I would definitely try that. The problem is I can't exactly pretend with my family...they're all well aware that I'd only bring vegan dishes :)
Happy Vegan Holidays...or are they?
I'm so behind on posting wonderful vegan food. I've both cooked it, and eaten some in restaurants. But first I'd like to ask you something: Does your family eat and enjoy the food you contribute to typical pot luck opportunities, like the Christmas dinner just past? Or do you feel like some fami...
Happy Vegan Holidays...or are they?
I'm so behind on posting wonderful vegan food. I've both cooked it, and eaten some in restaurants. But first I'd like to ask you something: Does your family eat and enjoy the food you contribute to typical pot luck opportunities, like the Christmas dinner just past? Or do you feel... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2012 at Veggie Goes Vegan
Vegan Gift Ideas: Cookbooks
Two bloggers I follow published their list of favorite vegan cookbooks: This Dish is Veg: My Favorite Vegan Cookbooks Veggie Girl: My 10 Favorite Cookbooks of 2012 I completely co-sign on Nava Atlas's Wild About Greens, Dreena Burton's Let Them Eat Vegan, and Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet. I have,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2012 at Veggie Goes Vegan
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