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Carmichael, CA
Interests: Making Marmalade, Aikido, Tai Chi, Swimming, History, Japanese culture, Art, Vic Muniz, Storytelling, Meditation, my Canon DSLR, compost, Singing, Mexico, family, Harry Potter, LOTR, website geekiness, Buddhism, Christianity, Dries Van Noten, lamb, pork shoulder, broccoli, all the kids in my life (especially Piper, Alden, Reilly, Austin, Angelo, Isabelle, Audrey, Danny, Clara, Andrew, and Matthew), and a particularly cute but hopelessly untrainable puppy named Lucy.
Recent Activity
Yum! Now I want to make them all over again. Thanks for the shout out!
Toggle Commented Feb 24, 2011 on Boys Prefer Blondies at The Queen of Tarts
1 reply
Elise is now following megnut
May 19, 2010
Yum! Now I want to make that mousse again. Isn't just crazy good?
Toggle Commented May 31, 2009 on Chocolate Mousse at The Amateur Gourmet
1 reply
Barbara, I am so sorry that you are having having to slog this out again. We will be thinking of you, sending you prayers, and saying hi on Twitter until your appetite returns. xoxoxo
Toggle Commented May 8, 2009 on A Little Break at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Hi Adam! Great use of the new MT4 user profile features. Love it. Love seeing people's faces.
Toggle Commented Apr 24, 2009 on It's Time We Finally Met at The Amateur Gourmet
1 reply
Hi Barbara, I thought you would be interested in this obit - which appeared today in the New York Times:
Toggle Commented Aug 31, 2006 on RIP Len Evans at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Oh my gosh, I read your post and all I could see was "Hugh Jackman". I'm so envious. ;-) Have a great time, and please give a big hello to The Old Foodie for me, I really love her site.
Toggle Commented Aug 29, 2006 on I'm on Holiday at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Wow, that sounds like an outstanding recipe! Thanks for sharing.
Toggle Commented Jul 8, 2006 on Wok's For Dinner at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Hi Barbara - Mitchell's right, most of us don't have scales. And those of us that do, the scales are in ounces and pounds, not grams. I'm beginning to think we're the only non-metric country in the world. Of course the right way to cook is to weigh the food, especially with baking. But that's not how any of us learned, so there you have it! We are hopelessly backward when it comes to cooking measurements. The Kitchen Sense book sounds just perfect for the everyday kind of cooking that I do. Thanks for sharing your review!
Toggle Commented Jul 5, 2006 on Kitchen Sense by Mitchell Davis at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Hah! If you only knew how little I know about cooking. I stand behind my mom and take notes half the time. That's why I write down all these recipes. I don't think mom has followed a recipe in 30 years. Now that's knowing how to cook. Of course, trying to get a recipe out of her is like pulling teeth... :-)
Toggle Commented Jun 14, 2006 on Yay at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Hi Barbara - YAY is right! A toast to the end of chemo is definitely in order. I can't wait to meet you and Celine this weekend. Hopefully the power will find a way to stay on? ;-)
Toggle Commented Jun 13, 2006 on Yay at winosandfoodies
1 reply
Pim, You ARE a rock star. What fun! Talk about the hottest dinner invite in town. Love the clothes. I do hope they let you keep the Missoni.
1 reply
Wasn't that a good deal, while it lasted? (A few hours) Awesome that they threw in a pumpkin casserole too. :-)
Toggle Commented Apr 23, 2006 on Kitchen essentials: Le Creuset at Hedonia
1 reply
Une tarte, s'il vous plait! Merci beaucoup Vivienne. Okay, that's about the extent of my written French. Sounds like a great trip, and a delicious custard.
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