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Elise Cheng
I. AM. A. HUGE. AVATAR. FAN!!!!!! (like all of you :p)
Recent Activity
can someone explain to me what Kiyevame means?
can someone explain to me what Kiyevame means? Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at AVATAR
I've seen it just once, but I want to see it AGAIN! It's definitely my favorite movie! :D best movie ever! can't wait to see it again.
How Much of an AVATAR Fan Are You?
Is AVATAR your favorite movie of all time (or at least in your top 10)? How many times have you seen it? And do you find yourself dreaming about Pandora and the Na'vi? Take this AVATAR Typepad Community survey and tell us more about yourself, your favorite characters, what you love about AVA...
Elise Cheng is now following AVATAR
Feb 7, 2010
Elise Cheng is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 7, 2010
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