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X Elixer X
Recent Activity
I'm working on my Radvent Throw. And Golden Horizon
forbidden forest , Joyful and Targaryen!
I haven't finished one yet! But I'm working on a Ripple Bralette :)
Mine wasn't purchased by me, but a yarn grant for a grab bag. Most of my yarn are grom low income grants, or KAL/Contest wins. The grab bag was 3 skeins of new to me dyers. My favorite out of them was this
So hard to pick just one, but I do love KILIM, and I and BEACH BONFIRE
I do the self striping Kal with a podcast I watch, and Knitpicks Felici kal
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2017 on 8th Day of Sock Yarn at Simply Socks Yarn Co. Blog
The one that has really stuck with me this year isn't just a single project, but a goal of 12 pair of socks for the year. Though I am behind 4 socks, I'll be making 4 set of baby socks for my cousin who is expecting his first boy in May!
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2017 on 1st Day of Sock Yarn at Simply Socks Yarn Co. Blog
X Elixer X is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 4, 2017