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Elizabeth Esther
mother of five who writes about parenting, politics, technology & faith with a side of snark and a dash of humor
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You should be automatically re-directed to my new site, but if you're still seeing this one: CLICK HERE! Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2010 at
My understanding is that non-Catholics can participate in the Eucharistic meal via "spiritual communion"--ie. thanksgiving of heart and receiving the blessing but not actually partaking of the Host. The Eucharist is considered the "source and summit of the Christian life" and is reserved for those who have been baptized and confirmed into the Church. This is really difficult for Protestants to appreciate since most Protestant churches allow ready access to anyone who claims to be Christian to the Communion table. The difference is that Catholics believe the Eucharist is the literal body and blood of Christ--not just a symbolic memorial. As such, it is to be treated with utmost reverence and can't be doled out to just anyone who waltzes in off the street. So, you were correct: The "proper" protocol here would be for you to receive the blessing and participate via "spiritual communion." I'm guessing at some point this will not be enough and your hunger for the Eucharist will grow--as did mine. :) If that is the case, then the Holy Spirit will make a way for you to enter (those who truly desire Christ are never turned away empty-handed). :) Hope this helps?
The draw was the Eucharist. I wanted Communion more often than once a month. I wanted it weekly--even everyday if possible! I wasn't looking for expositional preaching or a charismatic, dynamic congregation. I wanted Jesus. And I found Him in the Eucharist. Does that answer your question?
Such good points, Jessica. Whenever people try to pin me down and ask me which side I appreciate more I say: "It's not either/or. It's both/and." :) thank you for sharing and p.s. i won't tell the SBC on you! :)
Your prayer echoes my own.
Yes, it's more than emotion. I've been deeply comforted by the strong undergirding of solid orthodoxy as evidenced in the writings of many of the early Church Fathers. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on entering the Church this coming Easter!
Good point!
You are daily in my prayers, Kat. Know that. xo.
Prayer conducted primarily in public becomes a matter of making announcements to God or to the group or to your own self-image...When we emphasize public, verbal and social prayer forms, along with group rituals, while not giving people any inner... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2010 at
I had no idea you experienced such an early childhood trauma. Thank you for sharing it with me. I always so enjoy what you share, here. And you're right...the only reason I still call myself a Christian is because of love. I finally found the God of love and He has won my heart. His love is my only hope.
{i know i said i was taking a break this week but the not writing is like not breathing and i just can't hold my breath anymore. you don't mind, do you?} The rain is falling softly in filmy layers... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2010 at
I'm taking a brief respite from the Internets this week in order to focus exclusively on my family during the Thanksgiving holiday. While I'm gone, my blog will be undergoing some re-constructive surgery--so don't be alarmed if things look a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at
I've expanded on my thoughts about Mommy-bloggers over-sharing for my column in The Orange County Register this week. It was a difficult but necessary piece to write. This is a discussion we need to have. Please read and share: "My... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at
Today I'm at talking about how Mommy bloggers can share their stories authentically without unnecessarily exposing their children. Please watch and share your thoughts? Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at
PTL for the silver lining, amen? :-) xo. sharing those memories with you....
Yes, they were good parents and truly meant well. I've always believed that. All parents make mistakes. At the end of the day, love wins. :) I'm sorry #9 wasn't true for you. Thanks for reading, here.
Yes, I really preached on street corners. :) The good thing is, after getting heckled on a street corner, getting hateful blog comments feels like nothin'! Thank YOU for being so nice. :)
1. Nobody can look away from the train wreck that is a 5 year old kid preaching the Gospel on a street corner. This is how I learned that if parents use their children as a human platform for their... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at
Lisa: First of all, Terry is an African-American woman herself. She is also a longtime reader of this site and a dedicated wife and mother. Although she and I often RESPECTFULLY disagree, I still try to understand her perspective. You, however, have taken one snippet of her comment--which was really more of a question--and used it to accuse her of making an "unbelievably racist statement." Pardon me, but as the owner of this site--the only one leaping to ridiculous and completely unfounded conclusions is YOU. Additionally, if you want me to take you seriously? Maybe your very first comment on my site shouldn't be a personal attack against one of my most loyal readers.
My column for the Orange County Register this week is a helpful compilation of resources and tips for keeping your kids safe online. Enjoy! Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2010 at
OF COURSE Christians are allowed to ask for sex advice! Bring it!
Hi Nate! I'm just throwing out a wild guess here: do you have personal experience/heartbreak with this kind of scenario? :-) Here's the deal: since Lonely told me she made it obvious, I'm gonna take her word on that. I'm just working from the information she gave me. I don't know HOW she made it obvious, but she did. And the guy isn't interested. I still think the advice is sound and also I'm not really the girl recommends that women ask men out. Generally speaking. Yes, there are exceptions that work out great. But GENERALLY SPEAKING, women like (and deserve!) to be pursued. So. Anyway, that's my lame love advice. Yes, it's a snippet. Yes, it's probably a highly incorrect diagnosis. But from what I heard: "Lonely" appreciated my advice advice. So. I dunno. Thanks for chiming in! :)
In the interest of having more fun AND helping love-sick readers, I've decided to launch my very own Love, Sex Advice Column. WHY? Well, since Dr. Laura is retiring from radio, SOMEBODY with dubious credentials needs to take her place!... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2010 at
So, my blog went down sometime Friday afternoon (thank God it wasn't a Monday, am I right?). But THAT didn't prevent me from having a HUGE freak-out. In order to redeem my stupidity, I'm dissecting the 7 stages of blog... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2010 at
This is a test post. My blog has been down for 24 hours. After much barfing, prayers, obsessing, hand-wringing, tears and general pathetic ridiculousness, my precious, beloved, dear little blog is up again. Or is it? Is this thing working?... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2010 at