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Elizabeth Mosier
Recent Activity
Hey i love to write because i wrote this really cool haunted story that all my family members liked A LOT, I also play violin and piano, AND im really really good at drawing lol, lots of things that i do lol!! I also did hear about that championship game im watching it tonight. so that will be fun.
Okay so is anyone going to watch the football...
Okay so is anyone going to watch the football national championship? In case you don't know it's UT vs Alabama...both my parents went to UT so yeah...I'm planning a night of Heroes maybe some Lost and writing my new story...hey does anyone else on here write stories? I love seems eve...
Elizabeth Mosier is now following Zachary Quinto
Jan 7, 2010
Elizabeth Mosier is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 7, 2010
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