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I am enjoying the clothes you are currently making. I love the simplicity of them!
I wish I had enough of this fabric to make this dress in my size. It's the softest, most beautiful Paul Smith grey striped cotton ever. It's slightly heavier than a quilters cotton, but still drapes really well and is extremely comfortable. The stripe is a woven and...
Well put. I have always thought that names must be well thought out for children: the meaning of the name itself, the meaning it holds for you, and how it fits the child.
i can't ignore this...
dear maria, you're not the first blog reader to make a smart remark about our children's names. incase you were thinking mick & i just wrote a bunch of muscial instruments down on paper and drew one from a hat, let me educate you - we named banjo after the australian icon banjo paterson. (and ...
Elizabeyta is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 7, 2011
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